How To Argue With A Mate
Part 1: Guardian Mates
By Dr. Lovegood
With each temperament there is a wall which can't be argued past. This wall brings an abrupt
end to negotiations and a sense of futility to the other partner. It is important to
attempt to avoid the wall whenever possible. With Idealists, it is important to know
their values and work your way within and around them. With Guardians, it is important
to avoid conflicts in principles. Principles are along the lines of, "I know this is right
because it just is: because my religion backs me, history backs me, and/or common sense
backs me." It is easy for Guardians to get stuck on a principle and be almost completely
unable to see anything other than their currently narrow position. The partner needs to
be very imaginative and innovative to find ways to maneuver.
Garth (Artisan Promoter ESTP) and his wife Katelyn (Guardian Protector ISFJ) had a new
baby. Katelyn had spent a lot of time reading books on babies and how to raise children.
Garth was great with the baby, but Katelyn felt that she was much more knowledgeable.
When the baby was 6 months old, Katelyn couldn't get him to go to sleep unless she went
through a routine which took up to two hours. Garth told her to let the baby cry it out,
something Katelyn thought was cruel. Besides, the books she read said babies couldn't be
held too much. Garth finally asked if she'd be willing to try an experiment. He'd put the
baby down and go in every ten minutes to pat him until he fell asleep. He asked her to
try it for three days. The first night, Katelyn went to her mom's, and Garth called her
every ten minutes. The baby cried for an hour. The next night, the baby cried for 20
minutes, and the third night he cried 5 minutes. After that, he seldom cried. Katelyn
agreed to the experiment because it was limited to only three days, Garth was willing
to do it, and he was also willing to make sure the baby didn't feel abandoned, something
Katelyn really didn't want. Katelyn's wall was her belief that she knew best on parenting
and that it was cruel to let a baby cry.
Often proposing a trial or experiment can be a good way of helping the Guardian let
go of their principle temporarily. It gives them a sense of control because the time
period is limited and they get to go back to their principle if the trial is unsuccessful.
The down side is that you get at most two tries at this one for any particular issue.
Another technique to getting past the wall is to find someone or some source your
Guardian partner admires who agrees with you. This one takes time as the Guardian will
need time to absorb the new information. If you are arguing about religious beliefs,
you will want to spend a fair amount of time showing how much you do agree with them
before turning to look at the area of disagreement. Otherwise, in fear, they may attempt
to force you back into the fold. Then your whole argument gets lost.