Women and Romance
A 4 Part Series
By Dr. Lovegood
Part 1: Guardian Women
Guardian women look for traditions to start or maintain. They are generally suckers for
flowers, cards, chocolates, and the like. They are among the most likely to notice and
appreciate... Click here for article
Part 2: Artisan Women
"Girls just wanna have fun" is a great motto for Artisan women. They treat romance as they do
the rest of their lives - an exciting titillating game. Flirting is a high art form for
them as they... Click here for article
Part 3: Idealist Women
Idealist women tend to be very romantic. They love to give and receive tokens of
affection, such as an original poem, a hand carved box, or an item which reminds them
of some shared experience. Men often appreciate their compassion and empathy along
with... Click here for article
Part 4: Rational Women
Rational women tend to be late bloomers on the dating scene. They are sometimes unaware of
or don't wish to follow cultural norms which dictate what is considered feminine. As they
get older, men often appreciate their logic and general lack
of... Click here for article