Men and Romance
A 4 Part Series
By Dr. Lovegood
Part 1: Guardian Men
Guardian lovers have a tendency of coming across as boring. The true gold of their love
is often well hidden behind ordinary daily acts of caring and sacrifice. Guardian lovers
are likely to be... Click here for article
Part 2: Artisan Men
Without a doubt, Artisan lovers are the most exciting and least predictable. If you
love spontaneity, adrenaline rushes, easy acceptance of differences, and sensual
pleasures, then you probably are an Artisan lover or you'd like to have an Artisan
lover. Many Artisan lovers are... Click here for article
Part 3: Idealist Men
Idealist men find it relatively easy to express tender feelings, sympathize with others,
and have female friends. Some even enjoy shopping. Many women find this intensely appealing
while others view them as effeminate. Idealist men are the most likely
to ... Click here for article
Part 4: Rational Men
Some Rationals seem so cold and logical that it's hard to imagine them doing something
as frivolous as falling in love. Most Rationals do not express the range of emotions
other types do because they keep their emotions tightly in check, usually showing them
only to those closest to them. Getting a Rational to open up and show their tender
side can be... Click here for article