Women and Romance
Part 1: Guardian Women
By Dr. Lovegood
Guardian women look for traditions to start or maintain. They are generally suckers for
flowers, cards, chocolates, and the like. They are among the most likely to notice and
appreciate signs of status unless these signs are flaunted, such as entrance into an
exclusive club and being welcomed by name at a trendy restaurant. Men often appreciate
Guardian women who lavishly pamper their partners.
Sheryl is a Guardian Provider (ESFJ). In high school, she was fairly popular and had
her pick of dates. Now married, she usually greets her husband while wearing one of his
favorite outfits. Dinner is almost ready, and the house is immaculate. Thursday night is
date night when they go out to eat. At times, Sheryl complains that her husband doesn't
really appreciate her. She'd like for him to spontaneously bring home small reminders of
his affection and pick up his own socks.
Leilah is a Guardian Protector (ISFJ). Guys often didn't even notice her in high
school because she was so shy. In college, she had one long-lasting romance. However,
her boyfriend turned out to be abusive. Since he would always apologize and she is very
trusting and loyal, she stuck by him. The abuse escalated, so she finally left. Now she
is dating a man who treats her like a queen. She'd like to marry him, but she's afraid
he might change afterward.
Jillian is a Guardian Inspector (ISTJ). She was a good student in high school, usually
quiet but fairly blunt. Guys didn't know how to start a conversation with her. She dated
occasionally, mostly as part of her social group. She really wanted to get married and
have children, but didn't know how to find a good man. In college, her roommate set her
up on a blind date with the roommate's boyfriend's cousin. They went on a double date
together. A year and a half later, Jillian married him.
April is a Guardian Supervisor (ESTJ). She dated quite a bit in high school but
seldom went out with the same guy more than two times. Either she decided he wasn't
worth pursuing or her tendency to "tell it like it is" caused the guy to drop her.
Now in college, she's not quite as fast to rule a man out, but she still doesn't
want to waste time. April has been dating her current boyfriend for 6 months. She's
been surprised to find out that some things she thought were deal breakers aren't.
She's not sure if their long-term goals are compatible, but she wants to see if they
can work things out.
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