(Get Back) That Lovin' Feelin'
By Dr. Lovegood
More songs and possibly more poems have been written about love than any other topic.
Happy-in-love songs are usually pretty sappy while crossed-in-love songs tend to seem more
substantial and true to life. Here are some tips to help you become or continue to be happily,
sappily in love. As I wrote in R-E-S-P-E-C-T, many of these tips will
work equally well for men
of the same temperament.
How Guardian women want to be shown love:
- Guardians generally work very hard to keep the family going. Recognize that by spoiling them with bubble baths, time alone, back rubs, small gifts, and the like
- Comment positively on new hairstyles, new clothing, weight lost/gained, effects of working out, and the like
- Praise for good household and money management
- Run interference for them with people or situations they find especially stressful
- They want to be seen as physically desirable
How Artisan women want to be shown love:
- Physical pampering including back rubs, brushing hair, putting lotion on, and sometimes more active games, such as can't catch me or wrestling
- Comment positively on their elegance of motion and physical conditioning, along with hair and clothes
- Praise for positive thinking and playful spirit
- Provide structure in areas where they are weak without making a jail
- They want to be seen as physically irresistible
How Rational women want to be shown love:
- Listen to their ideas and offer suggestions which say that their ideas are worth pursuing
- Allow them to handle things without interference or second-guessing
- Praise for incisive and radical thinking
- Take care of things in the sensing world for them, such as housework, car maintenance, and repairs
- They want to be seen as having an irresistibly beautiful mind
How Idealist women want to be shown love:
- Listen to them without trying to solve problems. Periodically summarize, synthesize, and restate so it is clear you are listening intelligently
- Express your belief that they can come up with good answers to problems but be prepared to provide shelter when the fallout gets unbearable
- Praise for their insights into people and their ability to help people
- Protect them from emotional devastation
- They want to be seen as having an irresistibly beautiful soul