Act, 36 ff.
Action, least, 82 f., 103, 110, 118, 134, 176, 187, 194, 218 f.
Affective processes, 178 ff.
Analysis, 63; organic, 80
Animal learning, 153 ff.
Apparent movement, 137 f.
Apperception, 43
Apperceptive mass, 29
Aristotle, 11, 55 f., 70
Association, 5, 27, 60, 125, 162 ff.; bankruptcy of, 159 ff.; laws of, 38ff., 58f.
Association psychology, 24 ff., 42, 122 f.
Atomism, 41 ff., 51 ff., 166 ff., 189
Atomistic psychology, 27
Atoms, 7, 9, 14; logical, 52, 59; psychic, 56
Attention, 5, 60, 122 f., 138 f.
Attention psychology, 28 ff., 47
Attenuation, 135 f.
Aufgaben, 40
Awareness, 30 ff.
BAIN, 27
Behaviour patterns, field genesis of, 145 ff.
Behaviourism, 27 f., 34; atomism in, 41
Berkeley, 27
Bird, 120
Blind, congenital, 167; introversion in, 206; perception in, 126 f.
Body reference, 179 ff.
Bond, 26, 27, 118, 123, 161
Brain, 79, 125; and mind, 3 f.; as system that wills, 3; lesion in, 127
Brooding behaviour, genesis of, 145 ff.
Brown, 27
Carmichael, 120
Cattell, 127
Causation, 64, 76, 93
Cells, nerve, 77
Chance, laws of, 38
Chaos, 26 ff., 48 ff., 53 ff., 59
Chicks, experiment on, 120 f.
Child, perception in, 124 ff.
Clearness, 30 ff.
Coghill, 107 ff.
Cognitive processes, 178 ff.
Common sense, origin of, 17
Complex vs. simple, problem of, 65, 68 ff.
Complexes, 199 ff.
Conative processes, 178 ff.
Conative psychology, 44 f.
Concepts, 134
Conditioned reflex, 27, 123
Configuration, 69 f., 89 ff., 99, 110, 135 f., 177, 197, 223 f.; temporal, 91 f., 99
Constancy hypothesis, 126 f., 129
Content, 36 ff.
Cortex, 78
Cosmic energy, 78
Cosmic plan, 95, 111
Cutsforth, 126
DAYDREAM, 204 ff.
Defence mechanism, 199
Definitional dependence vs. causation, 152 f., 167
Dementia præcox, 210 ff.; and maximum work, 221
Derived properties, 74 f., 131f., 174 f., 213 f.
Descartes, 10 ff., 24, 29, 36 f.
Determined action, 75 f., 111 114, 131 ff., 175, 196, 215 f.
Determinism, 75 f, 85 f.
Determinism vs. freedom, vs, indeterminism, 67
Differentiation, 78 f., 100, 108, 120 f., 133 f., 142 f., 175, 198
Direction, problem of, 61, 63, 83ff.
Disequilibration, 89 f.; in perception, 128 f.
Disintegration, resistance to, 186 ff.
Double standard, fallacy of, 148 f.
drug habits, 157 f.
Dualism, 6 ff., 24 ff., 36 ff., 48 ff.; Greek, 7; in present day science, 19; modern, 10 ff.
Dynamic relations, 59 f., 95
Dynamics, physical, 39; laws of, 48 ff., 69 ff., 106, 161
EFFORT 88 f.
Ego, integrity of, 2, 40
Elementarism, 58 f., 82
Elements, 23, 25 f, 39 ff., 59 f, 79 f., 122 f., 159 f.
Embryo, 76, 82; motility in, 107 ff.
Emotion, 89; dynamics of, 185 f.; laws of, 178 ff.; physiological phenomena of, 190 ff.
Empedocles, 7
Empiricism, 25
End, remote, 87 f., 98 f., 105, 109 f., 113 f., 137 f.
Energy, concept of, 69 ff.; free, 187; physical, 14, 20; potential, 47; reserve, 187; units of, 68 f.
Environment, function of, 110, 119 ff., 141 f, 152 f., 193; social 213 f.
Epistemology, 25
Equilibrium, 47, 102, 184
Ethics, dynamics and, 115 f.
Evolution, 78 f., 86, 96, 145; chemical, 96
Exercise theory, 150, 153
Experience, and maturation, 168; and stimulus-pattern, 168 f.; growth of, 133 ff.; primitive, 178; theory of learning, 149 f.
Explanation, 59 ff.
Eye-movements, 116 ff.
FAMILIARITY, feeling of, 170 f. Fatigue, 89
Feeling, 183 ff.; and perception, 179 ff.; and physical phenomena, 191; and undifferentiated idea, 182; dynamics of, 185; psychology of, 178 ff.
Field genesis, 79 f., 133 f., 175, 217 f.
Field of force, 49 ff.
Field property, 71 ff., 84, 107 f., 128 ff., 173, 197, 212; temporal, 170 f.
Figure, 179; and goals, 185 f.; and physical law, 187
Form, 9, 63 ff., 68 ff., 90 ff., 104, 106, 133
Freudian psychology, 46, 201
Function and structure, 8 ff., 14
Functionalism, 41, 43
Future, response to, 99
GELB, 127
Gestalt, 47 ff., 90 ff.
Goal, 83 ff., 91, 98 f., 107, 113 f., 115, 158, 164, 175, 179, 196, 200 f., 206 f.; activity, 184, 191; and personality, 218 f.; own reward, 165; thwarting of, 200
Golden Rule, a law of dynamics, 222
Goldfish, 162 ff.
Goldstein, 127
Gradient, 72; physiological, 73; sensitivity, 118 f.
Gravitational system, 5, 39 f., 71, 76, 101 f., 105, 115, 165, 171
Greeks, the, 8, 9, 36, 53 ff., 67
Ground, 129, 179
Group, mores, 215 ff.; and the individual, 216 ff.; as evolutionary unit, 217
Groups, social and maximum work, 221 f.
Growth, and gravitation, 98 f.; as movement, 98 f.; laws of, 77 f., 82, 96 ff., 159; meaning of, 97 f.
HABIT, 153
Hamilton, 27
Hartley, 27
Hearing, 125 ff.
Hedonic psychology, 43 ff.
Herbart, 29
Heredity, 76
Hormic psychology, 43 ff.
Hume, 27
IDEALISM, 16, 18, 105 f.
Illusion, reversible, 132
Imagery, 28
Immortality, 99
Individuation, 77 ff., 132 f., 175, 217 f.
Infant, 3; movement of, 111 ff.; eye-movement of, 116 ff.; perception in, 124 ff.; personality in, 214 f.
Inheritance, 143
Insight, 18, 147, 158, 161, 163 f., 177, 220; in relation to learning, 158 ff., vs. associationism, 162 ff.
Instinct, 5, 18, 42, 89, 142 ff.
Integration, 71
Integrity, mental and physical, 192 f.
Intelligence, sterilisation of, 166 ff.
Introspection, 34, 35, 37 ff.
Introversion, 204 ff.; social causes of, 206 f.
Intuition, 182
Irwin, 111
JAMES, 55 f.
KANT, 178, 185
Kinetic energy, 83 f., 119 ff., 200
Koffka, 47, 116
Köhler, 47
Külpe, 35 ff., 40 f.
Law, mechanical and spiritual, 4; mental and physical, 4 ff.
Law of, action and reaction, 186; all or none, 88; configuration, 89 ff., 99, 110, 136 f., 177, 223; derived properties, 74 f., 131 f., 174 f., 213 f.; determined action, 75 f., 111, 131 f., 215; field genesis, 79, 133 f., 175, 217 f.; field properties, 71 ff., 129 f., 173, 212; individuation, 78 f., 132 f., 175, 217; least action, 82 f., 103, 110 114, 118, 134, 176, 187, 194, 218 f. maximum work, 88 f., 135, 175, 187, 191, 194, 197, 220 f.; ther- thermodynamics, 63, 82, 189; uncertainty, 64
Laws, of Nature, 70 ff.; statistical, 66
Learning, essentials of, 158 ff.; fallacies about, 148 ff.; laws of, 141 ff.; nature of, 163 ff.; problem of, 147 ff.; summary, 173 ff.; vs. instinct, 141 ff.; whole-character of, 152 ff.
Leibniz, 29, 70
Lewes, 27
Life, dynamics of, 78 f.
Locke, 27
Machine, 4, 5, 33, 45 ff.
Man, primitive, 6, 52 f.
Margin and focus, 29
Mass, function of, 114 f.
Mass action, 109 f., 128, 142 ff., 175
Materialism, 5, 16, 40
Matter, 6, 20
Maturation, 110 f., 112 ff., 120 f., 155 ff., 163 f., 168, 175; in personality, 210 f.; vs. exercise, 119 ff.
Maturation potential, 102 ff.
Maxima, 83
Meaning, 31, 130, 169 f.; and perception, 181 f.
Mechanism, 33, 37 f., 40, 54; criticism of, 38 ff.; persistence of, 58 ff.
Melody, 130 ff.
Memory, 92, 166 ff.; theory of, 168f.
Mental law, and physical, 4 ff.
Mills, 27
Mind, 10, 12, 21 ff.; 37 f., 40, 93, 104, 228
Mind and, body, 7, 8, 45; brain, 3 f.; matter, 6, 10, 12; subconscious, 28 f., 47
Minima, 83
Monism, 14
Monkey, 153 f.
Morals, 157 f.
Morgan, 204
Motivation, 158, 164 ff.
Movements, co-ordinated, 108; determined by end, 113; emergence of, 109 f., 112 f.; loss of 155 ff.; pattern, 174
NATURE, uniformity of, 148 f.
Nature, human, 2 f., 21; a group phenomenon, 212 ff.; decay of, 211 f.; uniformity of, 148 f.
Nature-pattern, human, 211 f.
Nerve impulse, dynamics of, 150 f.
Nervous system, function of, 107
Neurology, 107
Neuromuscular system, dynamics of, 116 f.
Optic system, 110 ff.
Orexis, and perception, 180 ff.
Organic unit, importance of, 228
Organisation, 31, 140, 175; in personality, no f.
Organism as a whole, 193 ff.; as mental, 194; physiology of, 193 ff.
Organismic position, 50
Parallelism, structure-function, 10; psycho-physical, 15 ff.
Parts, 72 ff.; conditioned by wholes, 104
Past reference, explanation of, 172 f.
Pattern, completion, 132; dynamic, 24, 90 f., 131 f.
Pattern, stimulus, partial duplication of and memory, 168 ff.
Perception, and attention, 138 ff.; conditions of, 139 f.; laws of, 122, 129 ff.; pathic states of, 127 ff.
Perkins, 162
Personality, 47; balanced in relation to group, 223; derived character of, 215 f.; and law of differentiation, 218; laws of, 199 ff., 212 ff.; maladjustment, 208 ff.
Pheasant, 142 ff.
Phenomenological properties, 31
Physical law, and mental, 4 ff.; and psychical, 22 ff.
Physics, 67
Plato, 10
Pleasure, 164 ff.
Pluralism, 52.
Potential, 74 f., 162 f.; energy, 83 f., 100, 200; growth, 101 ff., 106, 118 ff., 152 f., 221
Potentials, of brain, 4; concept of, 48 ff.
Practice, function of, 154 ff.
Psychoanalytic theory, 46 f.
Psychology and physics, 68
Punishment, 164 ff.
Purpose, 101 ff.
QUALITIES 128 f., 179
RAT and guinea pig, 119 ff.
Rationalising, 201; a conscious process, 201 f.; hypocrisy in, 203 ff.
Rationalism, 25, 28 ff. Reasoning, 134
Recall, problem of, 169 f.
Reflexes, 42, 70, 108, 111, 117
Relations, logical, 173; space, 173
Relativity, 49
Repetition, 27, 62, 150 ff.
Responsibility, 116
Retina, 117 ff.
Rewards, 164 f.; ulterior, 165 f.
Robin, 142 f.
Scholastics, 11
Science, 23, 50; convergence of, 50 f.
Science, mental, 21; physical, 19
Self, 197; psychology, 43
Sensation, 122, 125, 178
Sense impressions, 25
Sense organs, 25
Social environments, and individual, 213 f.
Soul, 6, 7, 12; world, 8, 55
Sound localisation, 129
Space whole, 171 f.; lack of, 176
Spencer, 27
Spinoza, 15, 16
Spiritualism, 5
Stimulation, intraorganic, 158; external, 158
Stout, 49
Stress, 83 f., 98, 105
Structural analysis, 35, 65, 69f.
Structuralism, and introspection, 34
Structure, and function, 8 ff., 14
Structurisation, 90
Stutterer, introversion in, 206
Subconscious mind, 47
Subjective reference, 183 f.
Sublimated desires, 203
Sucking movements, 141 ff.
Suicide, 193
Symmetry, 92, 134
Synsthesia, 124 ff.
Synapse, 150, 154; resistance at, 154
Synthesis, 45, 80, 122, 189; creative, 59 f., 80 f.; evils of, 48, 59
TENDENCIES, instinctive, 144 f.
Tension, 87 ff., 101 ff., 104, 106, 175, 205, 219; and nearness to goal, 186
Thought, 55 ff.; progress, in modern, 224 ff.
Time frame, 170 f.
Time perspective, 170 f.
Time whole, 171 f.
Tichener, 35 ff., 56
Tones, perception of, 125 f.
Touch, 126 ff.
Trace, 123, 167 f.
Trial and error, 119, 148 f.
UNIT descriptive, history of, 51 ff., 151; genetic, 56 ff.; time and space, 177
Units, 36
Unity, 26 ff.; complex, 53; logic of, 49 ff.; primacy of, 69; problem of, 51; temporal, problem, of, 85 f.
Unpleasure, 164 ff.
Use theory, 153 f.
VITALISM, 33, 40, 43, 54, 195; persistence of, 57, 59
Volition, 178 ff.
Voluntary, definition of, 104
WALKING, movements, 120, 142 f., 148 ff.
Ward, 43
Watson, 42
Wave-motion, 20, 24
Wertheimer, 47, 137
Whole, 8; complex, 53 f., 62; perceptual, 124 f.; spatial, 126 ff.
Wholes, 72 ff., 79 ff., 85 ff., 103; organic, 49 ff., 62 ff., 89 f.; primacy of, 81; properties, 114, 124; subsidiary, 188
Will, 93 f., 104; acts of, 40; dynamics of, 195; force of, 3; law in relation to, 196; laws of, 178 ff.; problem of, i95 f.; to learn, 158, 175, Work, maximum, 88 f., 135 f., 176, 187, 191, 194, 197, 220 f.
Wundt, 29

The Laws of Human Nature
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