Spritzy Web Page
For People Who Are Sensory Stimulation Deprived
This page will take a long time to load and it will suck up all your CPU
(Well, it did a decade ago back when I made it)
Move the cursor around to find the hidden messages
Read the story on the scrolling status bar
Help! I'm trapped in a WELCOME message!

Your computer is using 100% of its CPU to display this page solar system                              
to Deley's Homepage

Oh please e-mail me
           One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Six random dice!            Enter the Black Hole Enter the Black Hole...       whoosh!

(Not exactly the highest thing on my priority list...)
V i s i t o r s   t o   d a t e
How Computers Generate Random Numbers psycho! Go Home! Go Home!

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