The Science of Comprehension
How We Understand Abstract Concepts
Part IV—A
Conceptual Overview of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
I'll digress here a moment and give a brief conceptual overview of
Gödel's proof here so anyone who decides to further pursue this will
already have been introduced to some of the important concepts used in the
Gödel essentially showed that given any formal mathematical system
with the natural counting numbers
where the natural counting numbers have their usual symbolic meaning of "how
many," it was always possible to come up with a completely different "symbol
interpreter", where each number did not have it's usual meaning of "how
many," but instead each number was interpreted by this new "symbol
interpreter" as being a symbol for a mathematical statement. In this system
the number 5 doesn't mean "five things" but instead is a symbol for some
equation, such as
If you're familiar with computer programming and the ASCII table, then
consider how every equation which can be typed into a text editor is
represented internally by a sequence of numbers, where each number is the
ASCII number for that character.
32 | | | | 51 | | 3 | | 70 | | F | | 89 | | Y | | 108 | | l |
33 | | ! | | 52 | | 4 | | 71 | | G | | 90 | | Z | | 109 | | m |
34 | | " | | 53 | | 5 | | 72 | | H | | 91 | | [ | | 110 | | n |
35 | | # | | 54 | | 6 | | 73 | | I | | 92 | | \ | | 111 | | o |
36 | | $ | | 55 | | 7 | | 74 | | J | | 93 | | ] | | 112 | | p |
37 | | % | | 56 | | 8 | | 75 | | K | | 94 | | ^ | | 113 | | q |
38 | | & | | 57 | | 9 | | 76 | | L | | 95 | | _ | | 114 | | r |
39 | | ' | | 58 | | : | | 77 | | M | | 96 | | ` | | 115 | | s |
40 | | ( | | 59 | | ; | | 78 | | N | | 97 | | a | | 116 | | t |
41 | | ) | | 60 | | < | | 79 | | O | | 98 | | b | | 117 | | u |
42 | | * | | 61 | | = | | 80 | | P | | 99 | | c | | 118 | | v |
43 | | + | | 62 | | > | | 81 | | Q | | 100 | | d | | 119 | | w |
44 | | , | | 63 | | ? | | 82 | | R | | 101 | | e | | 120 | | x |
45 | | - | | 64 | | @ | | 83 | | S | | 102 | | f | | 121 | | y |
46 | | . | | 65 | | A | | 84 | | T | | 103 | | g | | 122 | | z |
47 | | / | | 66 | | B | | 85 | | U | | 104 | | h | | 123 | | { |
48 | | 0 | | 67 | | C | | 86 | | V | | 105 | | i | | 124 | | | |
49 | | 1 | | 68 | | D | | 87 | | W | | 106 | | j | | 125 | | } |
50 | | 2 | | 69 | | E | | 88 | | X | | 107 | | k | | 126 | | ~ |
For example, the string
"1+1=2" is represented internally by the numbers:
{49, 43, 49, 61, 50}
Symbols: | | 1 | | + | | 1 | | = | | 2 |
Numbers: | | 49 | | 43 | | 49 | | 61 | | 50 |
Then, instead of thinking these as five separate numbers,
push the numbers together to get one huge number. This
huge number represents the equation:
Symbols: | | 1 | | + | | 1 | | = | | 2 |
Numbers: | | 49 | | 43 | | 49 | | 61 | | 50 |
Gödel #: | | 4943496150 |
This isn't exactly the way Gödel did it, but I hope it gets across
the conceptual idea that every equation can be converted to a unique
number. This unique number is known as the equation's “Gödel
The process also works in reverse — every Gödel number can be converted back to the
corresponding equation it represents. In our example above we just run
the steps in reverse:1
- Starting with the huge number 4943496150
- Break the number into its parts: 49 43 49 61 50
- Referring to the ASCII table, translate each number to the corresponding symbol it stands for:
→ |
→ |
→ |
→ |
The equations themselves do not necessarily have to be true. There are
numbers for equations which are false. There is a number for the statement
This statement is false, but we can still write it down, and if we can
write it down, then it can be converted to a unique number. There are
also numbers for equations which don't make any sense, such as
Even though this statement does not make any sense, we can still write it
down, and again if we can write it down, then it can be converted to a unique
number. Likewise, any number can be converted to a mathematical statement,
even if the resulting statement doesn't make any sense.
We now have two "Symbol Interpreters" which can both interpret the
symbol "4943496150":
Symbol Interpreter A: | | "4943496150" | | means | → | "how many" |
Symbol Interpreter B: | | "4943496150" | | means | → | "1+1=2" |
Thus a mathematical statement containing "4943496150"
can be interpreted in two ways. It could be interpreted in the usual way as
representing a particular "how many" type
number, or, it could be interpreted in a Gödelian way as referring to
the mathematical statement "1+1=2". Thus it is
possible for a statement within a mathematical system to be interpreted as
talking about another statement within the system itself. Gödel invented
a symbol interpreter which makes it possible for statements within the system
to be interpreted as talking about other statements within the system.
Hofstadter writes:
unexpected double-entendre demonstrates that our system contains strings
which talk about other strings in our system. And this is not an accidental
feature, it is just as inevitable a feature as are the vibrations induced in
a record player when it plays a record. It seems as if vibrations should come
from the outside world -- for instance, from jumping children or bouncing
balls; but a side effect of producing sounds — and an unavoidable one
— is that they wrap around and shake the very mechanism which produces
If a statement can be interpreted as talking about another statement
within the system, is it then possible to come up with a statement
which talks about itself? It
takes a bit of work, but yes, turns out
it can be done. There does exist within the system a statement, in fact
an infinite number of statements, which essentially talk about
themselves. Patterns of symbols in a formal system can be interpreted
as talking about themselves. These patterns have, in a way, achieved
self awareness.3
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Again this isn't the method Gödel used. The
actual Gödel numbering scheme is a bit more complex.
Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal
Golden Braid. A metaphorical fugue of minds and machines in the spirit
of Lewis Carroll, p 270. (The book's subtitle isn't very helpful
in describing what the book is about.)
It's also quite possible, even likely, that I don't know what I'm taking about.