David W. Deley
This documentation examines the internal structures of RMS files on
Intended Audience
The user should already have knowledge of the three file organizations:
Sequential, Relative, and Indexed, and how they are used. See the VMS
manual 'Guide to File Applications' for basic background information
about these three file organizations. The user should also have a basic
understanding of the ASCII character set and how each character is
equivalent to a hexadecimal number. The user should have a basic
understanding of what a file is, what a directory is, and what a disk
Associated Documents
The following documents contain further related information:
* Guide to VMS File Applications
* VMS File System Internals, by Kirby McCoy, DIGITAL Press.
For our analysis we shall use the following familiar nursery rhyme and see
how it looks inside a file of each allowed type above:
Roses are red, [14 chars]
Violets are blue, [17 chars]
Sugar is sweet [14 chars]
And so are you! [15 chars]
This piece of familiar prose was chosen not so much for its literary
value but rather because it is short and has some lines with an even
number of characters and some lines with an odd number of characters.
Note for future reference the length of each line.
To begin let's use our favorite text editor such as EVE, EDT, or EDX and
create a text file containing the above nursery rhyme. Call the file
ROSES.DAT . You may try this as we go along to get a hands on feel for
what goes on. The file should contain exactly 4 lines, with no leading
or trailing spaces.
After creating the file and exiting the editor do a $ DIR/FULL to see
what we got. Note for future reference the fields marked by the three
chevrons '>>>':
>>> ROSES.DAT;1 >>> File ID: (18227,76,0)
>>> Size: 1/3 Owner: [SCN,DELEYD]
Created: 6-MAR-1993 21:58:21.41
Revised: 3-OCT-1993 22:59:40.06 (2)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: <No backup recorded>
>>> File organization: Sequential
>>> File attributes: Allocation: 3, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit
>>> Record format: Variable length, maximum 17 bytes
>>> Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:RWED
Access Cntrl List: None
Total of 1 file, 1/3 blocks.
Items to note are:
1. The file name is ROSES.DAT;1
2. The file ID is (18227,76,0)
3. The file size is 1 block used, 3 blocks allocated.
4. The file organization is 'Sequential'
5. The record format is 'Variable Length'
6. The record attributes are 'Carriage return carriage control'
All of this information ABOUT the file is stored in the file's header.
The file header is a block of data ABOUT the file in addition to the
actual data records which comprise the file itself. We can examine the
contents of the file header with the following command (try this out on
your ROSES.DAT file):
File ID (18227,76,0) End of file block 1 / Allocated 3
File Header
00000000 004C4733 02010000 FFFF6428 (d......3GL..... 000000
00010000 00030000 00110202 00000000 ................ 000010
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000046 F............... 000020
0015000B 00020000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000030
00000004 00000000 0000006B 46230000 ..#Fk........... 000040
20202020 20313B54 41442E53 45534F52 ROSES.DAT;1 000050
FDC00096 91F2EACE 4C200002 20202020 .. LÎêò...Àý 000060
00000000 00000000 00000097 37C9709C .pÉ7............ 000070
20202020 20202020 20200000 00000000 ...... 000080
20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 000090
20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 0000A0
20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 0000B0
00000000 14174B02 20202020 20202020 .K...... 0000C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000E0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000F0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000100
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000110
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000120
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000130
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000140
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000150
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000160
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000170
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000180
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000190
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001A0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001B0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001E0
CA660000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..............fÊ 0001F0
The layout of the header block is described in appendix A. It's also
more thoroughly described in the book "VMS File System Internals" by
Kirby McCoy, order number EY-F575E-DP From Digital Press. Fortunately
we don't have to delve into deciphering the contents of this block. We
can get a formatted output of the block's contents by using the /FORMAT
qualifier as follows (try this out on your ROSES.DAT file):
File ID (18227,76,0) End of file block 1 / Allocated 3
File Header
Header area
Identification area offset: 40
Map area offset: 100
Access control area offset: 255
Reserved area offset: 255
Extension segment number: 0
Structure level and version: 2, 1
>>> File identification: (18227,76,0)
Extension file identification: (0,0,0)
VAX-11 RMS attributes
>>> Record type: Variable
>>> File organization: Sequential
>>> Record attributes: Implied carriage control
Record size: 17
>>> Highest block: 3
>>> End of file block: 1
>>> End of file byte: 70
Bucket size: 0
Fixed control area size: 0
Maximum record size: 0
Default extension size: 0
Global buffer count: 0
Directory version limit: 0
File characteristics: <none specified>
Map area words in use: 2
Access mode: 0
File owner UIC: [SCN,DELEYD]
File protection: S:RWED, O:RWED, G:RWED, W:RWED
Back link file identification: (17955,107,0)
Journal control flags: <none specified>
Active recovery units: None
Highest block written: 3
Identification area
>>> File name: ROSES.DAT;1
Revision number: 2
Creation date: 6-MAR-1993 21:58:21.41
Revision date: 3-OCT-1993 22:59:40.06
Expiration date: <none specified>
Backup date: <none specified>
Map area
Retrieval pointers
Count: 3 LBN: 726039
Checksum: 51814
Items to note are:
1. The file ID is (18227,76,0)
2. The record type is 'Variable'
(same as "record format: Variable Length")
3. The file organization is 'Sequential'
4. The record attributes are 'Implied carriage control'
(same as "Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control")
5. The highest block is 3.
the end of file block is 1.
(same as "Size: 1/3")
6. The file name is ROSES.DAT;1
Note that the $ DIR/FULL command gets all its information ABOUT a file
from the file's header.
File headers themselves are not stored as part of the file itself. All
file headers are stored in file [000000]INDEXF.SYS The file ID number
gives us the information needed to locate our desired file header in
INDEXF.SYS . From our example above, the file ID is (18227,76,0)
A file ID consists of 3 parts:
Part 1 is the file number. The file number is the portion of the
file ID that is required for calculating the offset of the file's
header in INDEXF.SYS . In our example the file number is 18227.
Part 2 is the file sequence number. When the file the file header
block points to is deleted then the header block is free to be
reused. When the header block is reused to point to a new file the
sequence number is incremented by one. Thus after using the file
number part of the file ID to locate the header block in
INDEXF.SYS, a check of the file sequence number insures that our
file hasn't been deleted and the file header is not now pointing to
some new file. In our example the file sequence number is 76,
indicating that this file header block has been used to point to 76
different files since INDEXF.SYS was created.
Part 3 is the relative volume number of the file. If the file is
resident on a bound volume set, this number indicates the relative
volume where the file physically resides. In our example the
relative volume number is 0, indicating our disk is not part of a
multiple volume set.
(Identify the file number, sequence number, and relative volume number
for your ROSES.DAT file.)
We need two more pieces of information about the disk itself on which
our file resides before we can calculate the offset into INDEXF.SYS of
our file's header. These two pieces of information are:
1: The cluster size
2: The maximum number of files allowed on the disk
This information is easily obtained with the following DCL command:
Continuing our example:
Disk $1$DUC13: (SB3), device type RA70, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is
Error count 0 Operations completed 1824293
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYS,SYSBOOT]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED
Reference count 19 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 1133160 Sectors per track 60
Total cylinders 1349 Tracks per cylinder 14
Allocation class 1
Volume label "DISK3" Relative volume number 0
>>>Cluster size 3 Transaction count 44
Free blocks 109143 >>>Maximum files allowed 141645
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 3
Mount status System Cache name "_$1$DIA0:XQPCACHE"
Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 10914
File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 10692
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 1752
Volume status: subject to mount verification, write-through caching enabled.
Volume is also mounted on SB8, SB12.
From this we see that 'cluster size' = 3, and 'Maximum files allowed' = 141645.
(Try this out. Find the values for 'cluster size' and 'Maximum files
allowed' for your disk which has your ROSES.DAT file.)
The formula for calculating the offset of our file's header block in
offset = (4 * cluster_size) + RUP--------------------- + file_number
(Here RUP means round up to the nearest integer.)
The first two factors calculate the number of blocks in INDEXF.SYS we
need to skip over before we come to the file header blocks. First we
skip over the first 4 clusters of the file which are used for the boot
block and home blocks. Then we skip over the index file bitmap, the
size of which is dependent upon the maximum number of files allowed for
the disk. The bitmap is large enough to hold one bit for each file
header indicating whether it is currently being used or not. There are
8 bits in a byte, and 512 bytes in a block, so each bitmap block
accounts for 8*512=4096 files. Hence the size of the bitmap in blocks
is the maximum number of files permitted on the disk divided by 4096,
and rounded up to the nearest integer.
For our example we have:
block_offset = (4 * 3) + ------ + 18227
= 18275
(Calculate the offset using your values for cluster_size,
Maximum_files_allowed, and file_number.)
Having performed the above calculation we can now directly access the
header block for our file in INDEXF.SYS using the command:
$ DUMP/BLOCKS=(START:block_offset,COUNT:1)/FILE_HEADER ddcu:[000000]INDEXF.SYS
Try this out using your calculated value for block_offset. Verify that
the header information is the same as the information obtained earlier
when we used the command $ DUMP/HEADER/BLOCKS=(COUNT:0)/FORMAT ROSES.DAT
Now that we've located the file header we can now locate the file itself
on the disk. At the end of the file header is the Map Area where the
Retrieval Pointers are located. The Retrieval Pointers tell us where
the file is located on the disk. For our example, the file starts at
Logical Block Number (LBN) 726039 and goes for a count of 3 blocks. We
can examine directly those blocks on the disk to verify that they do
contain the contents of our file. (The following command requires
LOG_IO or PHY_IO privilege. Try this out if you can using for START the
LBN value listed at the end of your formatted file header dump):
Dump of device DISK3: on 24-MAR-1993 20:27:24.60
Logical block number 726039 (000B1417), 512 (0200) bytes
2C646572 20657261 20736573 6F52000E ..Roses are red, 000000
6C622065 72612073 74656C6F 69560011 ..Violets are bl 000010
73207369 20726167 7553000E 002C6575 ue,...Sugar is s 000020
65726120 6F732064 6E41000F 74656577 weet..And so are 000030
00000000 00000000 FFFF0021 756F7920 you!........... 000040
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000050
Note: Some systems may have a disk defragmenter program such as
Diskeeper running in the background. These programs defragment
the disk by silently rearranging the files on the disk when
nobody's looking. If you notice your file's starting LBN has
unexpectedly changed it may be because a disk defragmenter
program has moved it to a new location.
We have now found the actual contents of our file. We can get the same
dump of our ROSES.DAT file by using the simple command:
File ID (18227,76,0) End of file block 1 / Allocated 3
Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
2C646572 20657261 20736573 6F52000E ..Roses are red, 000000
6C622065 72612073 74656C6F 69560011 ..Violets are bl 000010
73207369 20726167 7553000E 002C6575 ue,...Sugar is s 000020
65726120 6F732064 6E41000F 74656577 weet..And so are 000030
00000000 00000000 00000021 756F7920 you!........... 000040
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000050
So far we have seen how to locate a file using the file ID. However,
the usual way of accessing a file is by specifying the name of the file
and what directory it's in. In our example, our file name is ROSES.DAT
and it's in directory [DELEYD.RMSDOC].
This is where directory files (*.DIR) come in. The very top level
directory on an ODS-2 disk is [000000]000000.DIR;1 . This file always
has file ID (4,4,0). So all we need to do is locate the header for it
in the INDEXF.SYS file. At this point you may wonder how do we access
the INDEXF.SYS file? The answer is the location of the INDEXF.SYS file
is determined when the disk is mounted and saved in the Volume Control
Block (VCB). Once the disk is mounted the INDEXF.SYS file is always
So, given the file name [DELEYD.RMSDOC]ROSES.DAT;1 , we can access the
contents of that file as follows:
1. Access INDEXF.SYS and obtain the file header for file ID
(4,4,0) which is [000000]000000.DIR;1 . From the file header
obtain the location of this file on the disk. Look in the file
for a record giving the file ID of file [000000]DELEYD.DIR;1
2. Using the file ID just obtained for file [000000]DELEYD.DIR;1,
access INDEXF.SYS and get the file header for this file, then
from the file header obtain the location of this file on the
disk. Look in this file for a record giving the file ID of file
3. Using the file ID just obtained for file [DELEYD]RMSDOC.DIR;1,
access INDEXF.SYS and get the file header for this file, then
from the file header obtain the location of this file on the
disk. Look in this file for a record giving the file ID of file
4. Using the file ID just obtained for file [DELEYD.RMSDOC]ROSES.DAT;1,
access INDEXF.SYS and get the file header for this file, then
from the file header obtain the location of this file on the
disk. We have now found the location of our desired file on the
Note: This process of locating a file is a major part of what happens
when a program requests to OPEN a file. Once the file is opened,
(i.e. the location of the file is found), then the program can
easily access the contents of the file.
There are three possible file organizations:
1. Sequential
2. Relative
3. Indexed
Within each file organization there are seven possible record formats:
1. Variable
2. Fixed
3. Stream
4. Stream_CR
5. Stream_LF
6. Undefined
7. VFC (Variable-Length with Fixed-Length Control Field)
Within each record there are four possible record attributes:
1. Carriage_control Carriage_return
2. Fortran
3. Print
4. None
The following abbreviations are used throughout the rest of this paper:
File Formats:
SEQ - Sequential
REL - Relative
IND - Indexed
Record Formats:
VAR - Variable length
FIX - Fixed length
STR - Stream
SCR - Stream_CR
SLF - Stream_LF
UND - Undefined
VFC - Variable with Fixed length control
Record Attributes:
CAR - Carriage_control Carriage_return
FOR - Fortran
PRT - Print
NON - None
Not all combinations of file organization, record format, and record
attributes are allowed. The tables below lists all the allowable
combinations. 'X' marks an allowable combination:
Table of allowable combinations:
PRT . . . . . . X
CAR X X . . . . X
FOR X X . . . . X
PRT . . . . . . X
NON X X . . . . X
CAR X X . . . . .
FOR X X . . . . .
PRT . . . . . . .
NON X X . . . . .
There are a total of 38 different possible combinations.
The guide to VMS File Applications explains in detail the different file
organizations, record formats, and attributes. A brief summary is given
SEQUENTIAL: In a sequential file the records follow one another in
sequential order. Records are accessed in sequential
order, starting with the first record and continuing
through the file until the last record is reached.
Attempting to access a next record after the last records
results in an End Of File status.
RELATIVE: In a relative file the records are placed in fixed length
cells which follow one another in sequential order. The
records may be accessed sequentially as in a sequential
file, or the records may be accessed directly via record
INDEXED: In an indexed file the placement of the records themselves
is transparent to the user. RMS stores and retrieves the
records for the user. A fixed portion of each record is
declared to be the primary key. For example, the first 10
bytes of each record could be declared the primary key.
Records may then be retrieved by specifying the primary key
portion of the desired record. Records may also be
retrieved in sequential order, with the records being
sorted according to the primary key.
VARIABLE: The data portion of each record is preceded with a 2-byte
binary count field that specifies the length of the record
in bytes, excluding the byte field itself. Each new record
begins on an even byte (WORD aligned). A null character is
appended to the end of the previous record if necessary so
the next record will begin on a padded boundary.
FIXED: All records are of a fixed length.
STREAM: The data portion of each record is terminated by the
characters <CR><LF> (a carriage-return 0x0D byte followed
by a line-feed 0x0A byte). This sequence of characters may
not appear within the data portion of a record as it
indicates the end of a record.
STREAM_CR: The data portion of each record is terminated by a <CR>
character (carriage-return 0x0D byte). This character may
not appear within the data portion of a record as it
indicates the end of a record.
STREAM_LF: The data portion of each record is terminated by a <LF>
character (line-feed 0x0A byte). This character may not
appear within the data portion a record as it indicates the
end of a record.
UNDEFINED: There are no records per se, the file is just a stream of
bytes starting with the first byte and ending with the last
VFC: Variable-Length with Fixed-Length Control Field. The data
portion of each record is preceded by four bytes. The
first two bytes (WORD) give the length of the record in
bytes. The third byte is the PREFIX byte which contains
carriage control information for a printer or output device
to be executed prior to printing the record. The fourth
byte is the SUFFIX byte which contains carriage control
information for a printer or output device to be executed
after printing the record. The PREFIX and SUFFIX bytes are
only used if the file's record attributes are 'Print file
carriage control'. If the file's record attributes are not
'Print file carriage control' then the PREFIX byte and the
SUFFIX byte contain 0x00 and are not used.
The coding scheme for both the PREFIX and the SUFFIX bytes is shown
in the following table:
Bit 7 Bits 6-0 Meaning
0 0 No carriage control is specified.
0 1-7F Count of newlines; linefeed(s) followed by a
carriage return.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bits 4-0 Meaning
1 0 0 0-1F Output the single ASCII control
character specified by the
configuration of bits 4 through
0 (7-bit character set).
1 1 0 0-1F Output the single ASCII control
character specified by the
configuration of bits 4 through
0 that are translated as ASCII
characters 128 through 159
(8-bit character set).
1 1 1 0-1F RESERVED
The record attributes provide information to a printer or other output
device on how to display the records.
1. Carriage_control Carriage_return
2. Fortran
3. Print
4. None
CARRIAGE_CONTROL: Indicates that each record is to be preceded by a
line feed and followed by a carriage return when the
record is written to a carriage control device such
as a line printer or terminal. (i.e. each record is
displayed on a new line).
FORTRAN: Indicates that the first byte of the record data
portion is to be interpreted as a FORTRAN carriage
control character.
1st byte ASCII Meaning
0x00 (null) Null carriage control (sequence:
print rest of record data).
0x20 (space) Single-space carriage control
(sequence: line feed, print rest
of record data, carriage return).
0x30 0 Double-space carriage control
(sequence: line feed, line feed,
print rest of record data,
carriage return).
0x31 1 Page eject carriage control
(sequence: form feed, print rest
of record data, carriage return).
0x28 + Overprint carriage control Allows
double printing for emphasis.
(sequence: print rest of record
[without first doing a line feed],
carriage return).
0x24 $ Prompt carriage control (sequence:
line feed, print rest of record
data. [Do not follow with
carriage return]).
Other values Same as ASCII space character:
single-space carriage control.
PRINT: Allowed only for VFC files, indicates that the PREFIX
and SUFFIX bytes contain carriage control information.
See the description above for VFC record format.
NONE: No print formatting is specified. The record data is
sent to the output device as a stream of bytes.
Text files created by EDT or a TPU based editor like EVE or EDX are by
default sequential files with variable length records and have record
attribute of Carriage-Control Carriage-Return. We will examine in depth
here the internals of this type of text file containing the "Roses are
red..." poem used in part I. Examinations of the other possible file
formats are done similarly.
There are so many ways to examine the contents of a file that it may
appear confusing at first. Just keep in mind that this is the same file
whose contents are being viewed numerous different ways.
We will perform the following five analyses of the text file ROSES.DAT
created using EDT or a TPU based editor such as EVE or EDX:
1. FDL specifications for file
4. $ DUMP
5. Graphic analysis of dump
(FDL specification):
FORMAT variable
CARRIAGE_CONTROL carriage_return
ROSES.DAT; File ID: (26230,6,0)
Size: 1/3 Owner: [SCN,DELEYD]
Created: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.29
Revised: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.48 (1)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: <No backup recorded>
File organization: Sequential
File attributes: Allocation: 3, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No version limit
Record format: Variable length, maximum 17 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:RWED
Access Cntrl List: None
Total of 1 file, 1/3 blocks.
File ID (26230,6,0) End of file block 1 / Allocated 3
File Header
Header area
Identification area offset: 40
Map area offset: 100
Access control area offset: 255
Reserved area offset: 255
Extension segment number: 0
Structure level and version: 2, 1
>>> File identification: (26230,6,0)
Extension file identification: (0,0,0)
VAX-11 RMS attributes
>>> Record type: Variable
>>> File organization: Sequential
>>> Record attributes: Implied carriage control
Record size: 17
Highest block: 3
>>> End of file block: 1
>>> End of file byte: 70
Bucket size: 0
Fixed control area size: 0
Maximum record size: 0
Default extension size: 0
Global buffer count: 0
Directory version limit: 0
File characteristics: <none specified>
Map area words in use: 2
Access mode: 0
File owner UIC: [SCN,DELEYD]
File protection: S:RWED, O:RWED, G:RWED, W:RWED
Back link file identification: (680,19,0)
Journal control flags: <none specified>
Active recovery units: None
Highest block written: 3
Identification area
>>> File name: ROSES.DAT;6
Revision number: 1
Creation date: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.29
Revision date: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.48
Expiration date: <none specified>
Backup date: <none specified>
Map area
Retrieval pointers
Count: 3 LBN: 314391
Checksum: 32694
File ID (26230,6,0) End of file block 1 / Allocated 3
Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
<--bytes--+ +--text-->
v v
2C646572 20657261 20736573 6F52000E ..Roses are red, 000000
6C622065 72612073 74656C6F 69560011 ..Violets are bl 000010
73207369 20726167 7553000E 002C6575 ue,...Sugar is s 000020
65726120 6F732064 6E41000F 74656577 weet..And so are 000030
00000000 00000000 FFFF0021 756F7920 you!........... 000040
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000050
(NOTE: The hexadecimal bytes are read from right to left, starting at
the top line column 4, and reading backwards: '0E', '00', '52', '6F',...
The corresponding ASCII text is given on the right and read normally
from left to right. Note that '52' is hex for 'R', '6F' is hex for 'o',
|<----- DATA (14 bytes) ----->| length
| , d e r e r a s e s o R | 00 0E | (hex 000E = 14)
fill |<------- DATA (17 bytes) --------->| length
| 00 | , e u l b e r a s t e l o i V | 00 11 | (hex 0011 = 17)
|<----- DATA (14 bytes) ----->| length
| t e e w s s i r a g u S | 00 0E | (hex 000E = 14)
fill |<------- DATA (15 bytes) ----->| length
| 00 | ! u o y e r a o s d n A | 00 0F | (hex 000F = 15)
| length
| FF FF | (hex FFFF = -1)
-1 signals end of file
The data is preceded by a word specifying the length of the data.
The NULL fill byte at the end of the second and fourth record is so the
next record will start on a word aligned (even byte) boundary.
The file header also specifies the end of file is byte 70 of block 1.
The data layout is exactly the same as for ROSES_SEQ_VAR_NON.DAT . The
only difference is in the file header. The file header for
ROSES.DAT here specifies record attributes of Carriage Control Carriage
Return, whereas the file header for ROSES_SEQ_VAR_NON.DAT specifies no
record attributes.
>>> File ID: (26230,6,0)
Protection: System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RWED, World: RWED
Creation Date: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.29
Revision Date: 23-MAR-1993 17:59:03.48, Number: 1
Expiration Date: none specified
Backup Date: none posted
Contiguity Options: none
Performance Options: none
Reliability Options: none
Journaling Enabled: none
>>> File Organization: sequential
>>> Record Format: variable
>>> Record Attributes: carriage-return
Maximum Record Size: 0
Longest Record: 17
Blocks Allocated: 3, Default Extend Size: 0
End-of-File VBN: 1, Offset: %X'0046'
File Monitoring: disabled
Global Buffer Count: 0
DATA BYTES (VBN 1, offset %X'0000'):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 01234567
------------------------ --------
20 73 65 73 6F 52 00 0E| 0000 |..Roses |
2C 64 65 72 20 65 72 61| 0008 |are red,|
DATA BYTES (VBN 1, offset %X'0010'):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 01234567
------------------------ --------
74 65 6C 6F 69 56 00 11| 0000 |..Violet|
6C 62 20 65 72 61 20 73| 0008 |s are bl|
00 2C 65 75| 0010 |ue,. |
DATA BYTES (VBN 1, offset %X'0024'):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 01234567
------------------------ --------
20 72 61 67 75 53 00 0E| 0000 |..Sugar |
74 65 65 77 73 20 73 69| 0008 |is sweet|
DATA BYTES (VBN 1, offset %X'0034'):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 01234567
------------------------ --------
6F 73 20 64 6E 41 00 0F| 0000 |..And so|
75 6F 79 20 65 72 61 20| 0008 | are you|
00 21| 0010 |!. |
%ANLRMS-I-RESTDONE, All structures at this level have been displayed.
Analysis of all the other sequential file types are given in individual
files in the [.SEQ] directory.
Offsets into the file header block are defined by the following
module $FH2DEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB (header)
module $FCHDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB (file characteristics)
module $FJNDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB (journal control flags)
module $CLSDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.MLB (security classification)
module $FI2DEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB (ident area)
module $FM2DEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB (retrieval pointer format)
module $ACEDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.MLB (access control entry)
File Header Block
| | FH2$B_IDOFFSET | 00
| | 04
| FH2$W_FID_SEQ | FH2$W_FID | 08
| | FH2$B_FID_NMX | FH2$B_FID_RVN | 0C
| | 10
| FAT$W_RSIZE | FAT$B_RATTRIB | FAT$B_RTYPE | 14 <-- FH2$W_RECATTR (offset to record attributes block)
| FAT$L_HIBLK | 18
| | FAT$W_GBC | 28
| | 2C
| | 34
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 111111
| (FH2$W_UICGROUP) FH2$L_FILEOWNER (FH2$W_UICMEMBER) | 3C 5432109876543210
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
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