I disassembled some executables using PE Explorer and reverse engineered how command line parameters are parsed.

I then wrote a paper How Command Line Parameters Are Parsed

 00406738  CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC                     Align   16
 00406740                           SUB_L00406740:         ;PARSE COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS
 00406740  55                                   push    ebp
 00406741  8BEC                                 mov     ebp,esp
 00406743  83EC14                               sub     esp,00000014h
 00406746  8B4518                               mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. [ebp+18h] is pointer to a counter
 00406749  C70000000000                         mov     dword ptr [eax],00000000h   ;start argc counter = 0
 0040674F  8B4D14                               mov     ecx,[ebp+14h]
 00406752  C70101000000                         mov     dword ptr [ecx],00000001h   ;start +14h counter = 1
 00406758  8B5508                               mov     edx,[ebp+08h]  ;pointer to command line
 0040675B  8955FC                               mov     [ebp-04h],edx  ;local storage for pointer into command line
 0040675E  837D0C00                             cmp     dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000000h  ;[ebp+0Ch] is pointer into argv[] array of pointers
 00406762  7411                              +--jz      L00406775
 00406764  8B450C                            |  mov     eax,[ebp+0Ch]   ;[ebp+0Ch] is pointer into argv[] array of pointers
 00406767  8B4D10                            |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 0040676A  8908                              |  mov     [eax],ecx
 0040676C  8B550C                            |  mov     edx,[ebp+0Ch]   ;pointer into argv[] array of pointers
 0040676F  83C204                            |  add     edx,00000004h
 00406772  89550C                            v  mov     [ebp+0Ch],edx
 00406775                           L00406775:
 00406775  8B45FC                               mov     eax,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406778  0FBE08                               movsx   ecx,[eax]
 0040677B  83F922                               cmp     ecx,00000022h   ; "
 0040677E  0F85C9000000  +<---------------------jnz     L0040684D       ;jump if we don't have a "
                         |                      ;COMMAND LINE BEGINS WITH A "
                         |                      ;parse off the 0th parameter (program filename) enclosed in "". No special handling for backslashes?
 00406784                | +------->L00406784:
 00406784  8B55FC        | ^                    mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406787  83C201        | |                    add     edx,00000001h   ;increment pointer into command line. Move to next character
 0040678A  8955FC        | |                    mov     [ebp-04h],edx
 0040678D  8B45FC        | |                    mov     eax,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406790  0FBE08        | |                    movsx   ecx,[eax]       ;next character
 00406793  83F922        | |                    cmp     ecx,00000022h   ; "
 00406796  747A          | |      +<------------jz      L00406812       ;jump if we have a closing " (command line begins "", or "C:\test a\MyProgram.exe")
 00406798  8B55FC        | |      |             mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 0040679B  0FBE02        | |      |             movsx   eax,[edx]
 0040679E  85C0          | |      |             test    eax,eax         ;end of command line? (command line is a single ". count it as an empty parameter)
 004067A0  7470          | |      +<------------jz      L00406812       ;jump if end of command line
 004067A2  8B4DFC        | |      |             mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004067A5  33D2          | |      |             xor     edx,edx
 004067A7  8A11          | |      |             mov     dl,[ecx]
 004067A9  33C0          | |      |             xor     eax,eax
 004067AB  8A82C1A04200  | |      |             mov     al,[edx+L0042A0C1]
 004067B1  83E004        | |      |             and     eax,00000004h
 004067B4  85C0          | |      |             test    eax,eax         ;testing a flag
 004067B6  742F          | |      |          +--jz      L004067E7
 004067B8  8B4D18        | |      |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. [ebp+18h] is pointer to a counter
 004067BB  8B11          | |      |          |  mov     edx,[ecx]
 004067BD  83C201        | |      |          |  add     edx,00000001h   ;increment argc counter
 004067C0  8B4518        | |      |          |  mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;[ebp+18h] is pointer to a counter
 004067C3  8910          | |      |          |  mov     [eax],edx
 004067C5  837D1000      | |      |          |  cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for no parameters string
 004067C9  741C          | |      |          +--jz      L004067E7
 004067CB  8B4D10        | |      |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 004067CE  8B55FC        | |      |          |  mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004067D1  8A02          | |      |          |  mov     al,[edx]        ;copy over character to parameters string
 004067D3  8801          | |      |          |  mov     [ecx],al
 004067D5  8B4D10        | |      |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 004067D8  83C101        | |      |          |  add     ecx,00000001h   ;move to next character
 004067DB  894D10        | |      |          |  mov     [ebp+10h],ecx
 004067DE  8B55FC        | |      |          |  mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004067E1  83C201        | |      |          |  add     edx,00000001h   ;move to next character
 004067E4  8955FC        | |      |          v  mov     [ebp-04h],edx
 004067E7                | |      | L004067E7:
 004067E7  8B4518        | |      |             mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. [ebp+18h] is pointer to a counter
 004067EA  8B08          | |      |             mov     ecx,[eax]
 004067EC  83C101        | |      |             add     ecx,00000001h   ;increment argc counter
 004067EF  8B5518        | |      |             mov     edx,[ebp+18h]
 004067F2  890A          | |      |             mov     [edx],ecx
 004067F4  837D1000      | |      |             cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for end of string. [ebp+10h] is pointer into some string we read
 004067F8  7413          | |      |          +--jz      L0040680D
 004067FA  8B4510        | |      |          |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]  ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 004067FD  8B4DFC        | |      |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406800  8A11          | |      |          |  mov     dl,[ecx]
 00406802  8810          | |      |          |  mov     [eax],dl
 00406804  8B4510        | |      |          |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]  ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406807  83C001        | |      |          |  add     eax,00000001h
 0040680A  894510        | |      |          v  mov     [ebp+10h],eax
 0040680D                | |      | L0040680D:
 0040680D  E972FFFFFF    | +<-----|-------------jmp     L00406784   ;BACK TO TOP
                         |        |
                         |        |
 00406812                |        +-L00406812:->;Command line enclosed in "...", or command line started with " and later abruptly ended with no closing ")
 00406812  8B4D18        |                      mov     ecx,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. First parameter is NULL ("" or single ")
 00406815  8B11          |                      mov     edx,[ecx]
 00406817  83C201        |                      add     edx,00000001h   ;increment counter
 0040681A  8B4518        |                      mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;character counter
 0040681D  8910          |                      mov     [eax],edx
 0040681F  837D1000      |                      cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for no parameters string (we build string param1<\x00>param2<\x00>param3<\x00>...)
 00406823  740F          |                   +--jz      L00406834
 00406825  8B4D10        |                   |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406828  C60100        |                   |  mov     byte ptr [ecx],00h   ;terminate this parameter (i.e. begin parameter string series with a \x00 indicating first parameter is NULL)
 0040682B  8B5510        |                   |  mov     edx,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 0040682E  83C201        |                   |  add     edx,00000001h
 00406831  895510        |                   v  mov     [ebp+10h],edx
 00406834                |          L00406834:
 00406834  8B45FC        |                      mov     eax,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406837  0FBE08        |                      movsx   ecx,[eax]
 0040683A  83F922        |                      cmp     ecx,00000022h   ; closing " or end of command line?
 0040683D  7509          |                   +--jnz     L00406848
 0040683F  8B55FC        |                   |  mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406842  83C201        |                   |  add     edx,00000001h   ;move to next character after "
 00406845  8955FC        |                   v  mov     [ebp-04h],edx
 00406848                |          L00406848:
 00406848  E9CF000000    |   +<---------------- jmp     L0040691C
                         |   |
                         |   |
                         v   |
 0040684D                +-->|----->L0040684D:                          ; we don't have a "
 0040684D  8B4518        ^   |                  mov     eax,[eb*p+18h]  ;argc counter
 00406850  8B08          |   |                  mov     ecx,[eax]
 00406852  83C101        |   |                  add     ecx,00000001h   ;increment argc counter
 00406855  8B5518        |   |                  mov     edx,[ebp+18h]   ;counter
 00406858  890A          |   |                  mov     [edx],ecx
 0040685A  837D1000      |   |                  cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for end of string. [ebp+10h] is pointer into some string we read
 0040685E  7413          |   |               +--jz      L00406873
 00406860  8B4510        |   |               |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]     ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406863  8B4DFC        |   |               |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]     ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406866  8A11          |   |               |  mov     dl,[ecx]
 00406868  8810          |   |               |  mov     [eax],dl
 0040686A  8B4510        |   |               |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]    ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 0040686D  83C001        |   |               |  add     eax,00000001h    ;move to next character
 00406870  894510        |   |               v  mov     [ebp+10h],eax
 00406873                |   |      L00406873:
 00406873  8B4DFC        |   |                  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406876  8A11          |   |                  mov     dl,[ecx]
 00406878  8855F4        |   |                  mov     [ebp-0Ch],dl
 0040687B  8B45FC        |   |                  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 0040687E  83C001        |   |                  add     eax,00000001h  ;move to next character
 00406881  8945FC        |   |                  mov     [ebp-04h],eax
 00406884  8B4DF4        |   |                  mov     ecx,[ebp-0Ch]
 00406887  81E1FF000000  |   |                  and     ecx,000000FFh
 0040688D  33D2          |   |                  xor     edx,edx
 0040688F  8A91C1A04200  |   |                  mov     dl,[ecx+L0042A0C1]
 00406895  83E204        |   |                  and     edx,00000004h
 00406898  85D2          |   |                  test    edx,edx
 0040689A  742F          |   |    +-------------jz      L004068CB
 0040689C  8B4518        |   |    |             mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. counter
 0040689F  8B08          |   |    |             mov     ecx,[eax]
 004068A1  83C101        |   |    |             add     ecx,00000001h   ;increment argc counter
 004068A4  8B5518        |   |    |             mov     edx,[ebp+18h]   ;counter
 004068A7  890A          |   |    |             mov     [edx],ecx
 004068A9  837D1000      |   |    |             cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for end of string. [ebp+10h] is pointer into some string we read
 004068AD  7413          |   |    |          +--jz      L004068C2
 004068AF  8B4510        |   |    |          |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]    ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 004068B2  8B4DFC        |   |    |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]    ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004068B5  8A11          |   |    |          |  mov     dl,[ecx]
 004068B7  8810          |   |    |          |  mov     [eax],dl
 004068B9  8B4510        |   |    |          |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]    ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 004068BC  83C001        |   |    |          |  add     eax,00000001h
 004068BF  894510        |   |    |          v  mov     [ebp+10h],eax
 004068C2                |   |    | L004068C2:
 004068C2  8B4DFC        |   |    |             mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]    ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004068C5  83C101        |   |    |             add     ecx,00000001h    ;move to next character
 004068C8  894DFC        |   |    |             mov     [ebp-04h],ecx
 004068CB                |   |    +>L004068CB:
 004068CB  8B55F4        |   |                  mov     edx,[ebp-0Ch]
 004068CE  81E2FF000000  |   |                  and     edx,000000FFh
 004068D4  83FA20        |   |                  cmp     edx,00000020h  ;{space}
 004068D7  741E          |   |    +<------------jz      L004068F7
 004068D9  8B45F4        |   |    |             mov     eax,[ebp-0Ch]
 004068DC  25FF000000    |   |    |             and     eax,000000FFh
 004068E1  85C0          |   |    |             test    eax,eax
 004068E3  7412          |   |    +<------------jz      L004068F7
 004068E5  8B4DF4        |   |    |             mov     ecx,[ebp-0Ch]
 004068E8  81E1FF000000  |   |    |             and     ecx,000000FFh
 004068EE  83F909        |   |    |             cmp     ecx,00000009h  ;{tab}
 004068F1  0F8556FFFFFF  +<--|----|-------------jnz     L0040684D
                             |    |
                             |    v
 004068F7                    |    +>L004068F7:                         ;end of parameter
 004068F7  8B55F4            |                  mov     edx,[ebp-0Ch]
 004068FA  81E2FF000000      |                  and     edx,000000FFh
 00406900  85D2              |                  test    edx,edx
 00406902  750B              |               +--jnz     L0040690F
 00406904  8B45FC            |               |  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406907  83E801            |               |  sub     eax,00000001h   ;move to next character
 0040690A  8945FC            v               |  mov     [ebp-04h],eax
 0040690D  EB0D              +<------------- v--jmp     L0040691C
 0040690F                    |      L0040690F:
 0040690F  837D1000          v                  cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for end of string. [ebp+10h] is pointer into some string we read
 00406913  7407              +<-----------------jz      L0040691C
 00406915  8B4D10            |                  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]    ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406918  C641FF00          |                  mov     byte ptr [ecx-01h],00h  ;terminate string
 0040691C                    +----->L0040691C:
 0040691C  C745EC00000000                       mov     dword ptr [ebp-14h],00000000h
;BEGIN NEXT PARAMETER                           v
 00406923                +--------->L00406923:  ;begin next parameter
 00406923  8B55FC        |                      mov     edx,[ebp-04h]   ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406926  0FBE02        |                      movsx   eax,[edx]
 00406929  85C0          |                      test    eax,eax         ;end of command line?
 0040692B  7421          |      +<--------------jz      L0040694E       ;jump if end of command line
 0040692D                |      | +>L0040692D:  ;skip over multiple spaces/tabs between parameters
 0040692D  8B4DFC        |      | |             mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406930  0FBE11        |      | |             movsx   edx,[ecx]
 00406933  83FA20        |      | |             cmp     edx,00000020h  ;{space}
 00406936  740B          |      | |          +--jz      L00406943
 00406938  8B45FC        |      | |          |  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]
 0040693B  0FBE08        |      | |          |  movsx   ecx,[eax]
 0040693E  83F909        |      | |          |  cmp     ecx,00000009h  ;{TAB}
 00406941  750B          |      +<|--------- v--jnz     L0040694E
 00406943                |      | | L00406943:
 00406943  8B55FC        |      | |             mov     edx,[ebp-04h]
 00406946  83C201        |      | |             add     edx,00000001h  ;move to next character
 00406949  8955FC        |      | |             mov     [ebp-04h],edx
 0040694C  EBDF          |      | +<------------jmp     L0040692D
 0040694E                |      +-->L0040694E:  ;start of next parameter
 0040694E  8B45FC        |                      mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406951  0FBE08        |                      movsx   ecx,[eax]
 00406954  85C9          |                      test    ecx,ecx        ;end of command line?
 00406956  7505          |                   +--jnz     L0040695D
 00406958  E9DE010000    |                   v  jmp     L00406B3B      ;end parsing parameters off command line
 0040695D                |          L0040695D:  ;start of next parameter
 0040695D  837D0C00      |                      cmp     dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000000h  ;do we have a pointer into argv[] array of pointers?
 00406961  7411          |                   +--jz      L00406974
 00406963  8B550C        |                   |  mov     edx,[ebp+0Ch]   ;pointer into argv[] array of pointers
 00406966  8B4510        |                   |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]   ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406969  8902          |                   |  mov     [edx],eax
 0040696B  8B4D0C        |                   |  mov     ecx,[ebp+0Ch]   ;pointer into argv[] array of pointers
 0040696E  83C104        |                   |  add     ecx,00000004h   ;pointer to next argv[] vector
 00406971  894D0C        |                   v  mov     [ebp+0Ch],ecx
 00406974                |          L00406974:  ;increment argc
 00406974  8B5514        |                      mov     edx,[ebp+14h]  ;pointer to argc count
 00406977  8B02          |                      mov     eax,[edx]
 00406979  83C001        |                      add     eax,00000001h  ;increment argc
 0040697C  8B4D14        |                      mov     ecx,[ebp+14h]
 0040697F  8901          |                      mov     [ecx],eax
;                        |                                                             ;
 00406981                |+-------->L00406981:  ;PROCESS CURRENT COMMAND LINE CHARACTER
 00406981  C745F801000000||                     mov     dword ptr [ebp-08h],00000001h  ;Do not add this character to parameter? (1=add,0=skip)
 00406988  C745F000000000||                     mov     dword ptr [ebp-10h],00000000h  ;counter count number of backslashes
 0040698F                ||       +-L0040698F:  ;COUNT NUMBER OF BACKSLASHES
 0040698F  8B55FC        ||       |             mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406992  0FBE02        ||       |             movsx   eax,[edx]
 00406995  83F85C        ||       |             cmp     eax,0000005Ch  ; \
 00406998  7514          ||       |          +--jnz     L004069AE
 0040699A  8B4DFC        ||       |          |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 0040699D  83C101        ||       |          |  add     ecx,00000001h  ;move to next character
 004069A0  894DFC        ||       |          |  mov     [ebp-04h],ecx
 004069A3  8B55F0        ||       |          |  mov     edx,[ebp-10h]  ;increment number of backslashes
 004069A6  83C201        ||       |          |  add     edx,00000001h
 004069A9  8955F0        ||       |          |  mov     [ebp-10h],edx
 004069AC  EBE1          ||       +<------------jmp     L0040698F
                         ||                  |
                         ||                  v
 004069AE                ||         L004069AE:
 004069AE  8B45FC        ||                     mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 004069B1  0FBE08        ||                     movsx   ecx,[eax]
 004069B4  83F922        ||                     cmp     ecx,00000022h  ; "
 004069B7  7551          ||   +-----------------jnz     L00406A0A
                         ||   |                         ;WE HAVE A " preceeded by 0 or more \
 004069B9  8B45F0        ||   |                 mov     eax,[ebp-10h]  ;number of backslashes
 004069BC  33D2          ||   |                 xor     edx,edx
 004069BE  B902000000    ||   |                 mov     ecx,00000002h
 004069C3  F7F1          ||   |                 div     ecx
 004069C5  85D2          ||   |                 test    edx,edx        ;test for even/odd number of slashes
 004069C7  7539          ||+--------------------jnz     L00406A02      ;jump if odd. Else zero or an even number of backslashes.
 004069C9  837DEC00      |||  |                 cmp     dword ptr [ebp-14h],00000000h  ;currently in a double quoted string?
 004069CD  7420          |||  |+----------------jz      L004069EF      ;jump if not currently in a double quoted string
 004069CF  8B55FC        |||  ||                mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;in a double quoted string and we now have a " preceeded by 0 or an even number of \
 004069D2  0FBE4201      |||  ||                movsx   eax,[edx+01h]
 004069D6  83F822        |||  ||                cmp     eax,00000022h  ;is next character also a " ?
 004069D9  750B          |||  ||             +<-jnz     L004069E6      ;jump if next char not also a "
 004069DB  8B4DFC        |||  ||             |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;in a double quoted string and we now have a "" preceeded by 0 or an even number of \
 004069DE  83C101        |||  ||             |  add     ecx,00000001h  ;move to the 2nd " in ""
 004069E1  894DFC        |||  ||             |  mov     [ebp-04h],ecx
 004069E4  EB07          |||  ||  +<----------<-jmp     L004069ED
 004069E6                |||  ||  | L004069E6|          ;begin a double quoted part
 004069E6  C745F800000000|||  ||  |          +->mov     dword ptr [ebp-08h],00000000h  ;Do not add this character to parameter. Double ""
 004069ED                |||  ||  | L004069ED:
 004069ED  EB07          |||  || ++-------------jmp     L004069F6
 004069EF                |||  |+-|->L004069EF:  ;begin a double quoted part
 004069EF  C745F800000000|||  |  |              mov     dword ptr [ebp-08h],00000000h  ;Do not add this character to parameter. " and not currently in a double quoted string
 004069F6                |||  |  +->L004069F6:  ;toggle flag we are beginning/ending a double quoted string (")
 004069F6  33D2          |||  |                 xor     edx,edx
 004069F8  837DEC00      |||  |                 cmp     dword ptr [ebp-14h],00000000h
 004069FC  0F94C2        |||  |                 setz    dl              ;if -14h = 0, set it to 1. if -14h = 1, set it to zero.
 004069FF  8955EC        |||  |                 mov     [ebp-14h],edx
 00406A02                ||+------->L00406A02:  ;calculate number of backslashes divided by 2
 00406A02  8B45F0        ||   |                 mov     eax,[ebp-10h]
 00406A05  D1E8          ||   |                 shr     eax,1           ;slashes divided by 2
 00406A07  8945F0        ||   v                 mov     [ebp-10h],eax   ;slashes divided by 2 (result might be zero)
 00406A0A                ||   +---->L00406A0A:  ;ADD BACKSLASHES
 00406A0A  8B4DF0        ||   ^                 mov     ecx,[ebp-10h]   ;number of backslashes to add
 00406A0D  8B55F0        ||   |                 mov     edx,[ebp-10h]   ;number of backslashes
 00406A10  83EA01        ||   |                 sub     edx,00000001h   ;number of backslashes - 1
 00406A13  8955F0        ||   |                 mov     [ebp-10h],edx   ;number of backslashes - 1
 00406A16  85C9          ||   |                 test    ecx,ecx         ;if zero backslashes left to add
 00406A18  7424          ||   |  +--------------jz      L00406A3E
 00406A1A  837D1000      ||   |  |              cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for no pointer to current parameter we are building
 00406A1E  740F          ||   |  |           +--jz      L00406A2F
 00406A20  8B4510        ||   |  |           |  mov     eax,[ebp+10h]        ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406A23  C6005C        ||   |  |           |  mov     byte ptr [eax],5Ch   ; \ add a backslash to out parameter
 00406A26  8B4D10        ||   |  |           |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]        ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406A29  83C101        ||   |  |           |  add     ecx,00000001h        ;move to next character
 00406A2C  894D10        ||   |  |           v  mov     [ebp+10h],ecx
 00406A2F                ||   |  |  L00406A2F:
 00406A2F  8B5518        ||   |  |              mov     edx,[ebp+18h]   ;argc count. counter
 00406A32  8B02          ||   |  |              mov     eax,[edx]
 00406A34  83C001        ||   |  |              add     eax,00000001h   ;increment argc counter
 00406A37  8B4D18        ||   |  |              mov     ecx,[ebp+18h]   ;counter
 00406A3A  8901          ||   |  |              mov     [ecx],eax
 00406A3C  EBCC          ||   +--|--------------jmp     L00406A0A
 00406A3E                ||      +->L00406A3E:  ;backslashes added
 00406A3E  8B55FC        ||                     mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406A41  0FBE02        ||                     movsx   eax,[edx]
 00406A44  85C0          ||                     test    eax,eax        ;end of command line?
 00406A46  741C          ||                  +--jz      L00406A64      ;finish up
 00406A48  837DEC00      ||                  |  cmp     dword ptr [ebp-14h],00000000h  ;are we in a double quoted parameter?
 00406A4C  751B          ||      +-----------|--jnz     L00406A69      ;jump if yes. Else a space or tab ends this parameter.
 00406A4E  8B4DFC        ||      |           |  mov     ecx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406A51  0FBE11        ||      |           |  movsx   edx,[ecx]
 00406A54  83FA20        ||      |           |  cmp     edx,00000020h  ;{space}
 00406A57  740B          ||      |           +--jz      L00406A64      ;space marks end of this parameter
 00406A59  8B45FC        ||      |           |  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406A5C  0FBE08        ||      |           |  movsx   ecx,[eax]
 00406A5F  83F909        ||      |           |  cmp     ecx,00000009h  ;{tab}
 00406A62  7505          ||      |           v +jnz     L00406A69
 00406A64                ||      |  L00406A64: |                       ;tab marks end of this parameter
 00406A64  E9AB000000    ||      |           +>|jmp     L00406B14  ;finished parsing this parameter. Finish parameter.
                         ||      |             |
 00406A69                ||      +->L00406A69: v ;ADD THIS CHARACTER TO OUR PARAMETER
 00406A69  837DF800      ||                    +cmp     dword ptr [ebp-08h],00000000h    ;Do not add this character to parameter? (1=add,0=skip)
 00406A6D  0F8493000000  ||      +<-------------jz      L00406B06                        ;skip this character
 00406A73  837D1000      ||      |              cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h    ;do we have a parameters string?
 00406A77  7454          ||      | +<-----------jz      L00406ACD
 00406A79  8B55FC        ||      | |            mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406A7C  33C0          ||      | |            xor     eax,eax
 00406A7E  8A02          ||      | |            mov     al,[edx]       ;add character to parameter
 00406A80  33C9          ||      | |            xor     ecx,ecx
 00406A82  8A88C1A04200  ||      | |            mov     cl,[eax+L0042A0C1]
 00406A88  83E104        ||      | |            and     ecx,00000004h
 00406A8B  85C9          ||      | |            test    ecx,ecx        ;Double-byte?
 00406A8D  7429          ||      | |         +--jz      L00406AB8      ;if Double-Byte, add another byte?
 00406A8F  8B5510        ||      | |         |  mov     edx,[ebp+10h]  ;parameters string
 00406A92  8B45FC        ||      | |         |  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406A95  8A08          ||      | |         |  mov     cl,[eax]
 00406A97  880A          ||      | |         |  mov     [edx],cl       ;copy byte to parameters string
 00406A99  8B5510        ||      | |         |  mov     edx,[ebp+10h]
 00406A9C  83C201        ||      | |         |  add     edx,00000001h  ;move to next char
 00406A9F  895510        ||      | |         |  mov     [ebp+10h],edx  ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406AA2  8B45FC        ||      | |         |  mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406AA5  83C001        ||      | |         |  add     eax,00000001h  ;move to next character
 00406AA8  8945FC        ||      | |         |  mov     [ebp-04h],eax
 00406AAB  8B4D18        ||      | |         |  mov     ecx,[ebp+18h]  ;byte counter
 00406AAE  8B11          ||      | |         |  mov     edx,[ecx]
 00406AB0  83C201        ||      | |         |  add     edx,00000001h  ;increment byte counter
 00406AB3  8B4518        ||      | |         |  mov     eax,[ebp+18h]  ;counter
 00406AB6  8910          ||      | |         v  mov     [eax],edx
 00406AB8                ||      | |L00406AB8:
 00406AB8  8B4D10        ||      | |            mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]
 00406ABB  8B55FC        ||      | |            mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406ABE  8A02          ||      | |            mov     al,[edx]
 00406AC0  8801          ||      | |            mov     [ecx],al       ;copy byte to parameters string
 00406AC2  8B4D10        ||      | |            mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]
 00406AC5  83C101        ||      | |            add     ecx,00000001h  ;move to next char
 00406AC8  894D10        ||      | |            mov     [ebp+10h],ecx  ;[ebp+10h] is pointer into current parameter we are building/read back
 00406ACB  EB2C          ||      | v          +-jmp     L00406AF9
 00406ACD                ||      | +L00406ACD:|
 00406ACD  8B55FC        ||      |            | mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406AD0  33C0          ||      |            | xor     eax,eax
 00406AD2  8A02          ||      |            | mov     al,[edx]
 00406AD4  33C9          ||      |            | xor     ecx,ecx
 00406AD6  8A88C1A04200  ||      |            | mov     cl,[eax+L0042A0C1]
 00406ADC  83E104        ||      |            | and     ecx,00000004h
 00406ADF  85C9          ||      |            v test    ecx,ecx        ;Double-Byte ? test flag
 00406AE1  7416          ||      |           +--jz      L00406AF9
 00406AE3  8B55FC        ||      |           |  mov     edx,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406AE6  83C201        ||      |           |  add     edx,00000001h
 00406AE9  8955FC        ||      |           |  mov     [ebp-04h],edx
 00406AEC  8B4518        ||      |           |  mov     eax,[ebp+18h]  ;counter
 00406AEF  8B08          ||      |           |  mov     ecx,[eax]
 00406AF1  83C101        ||      |           |  add     ecx,00000001h  ;increment counter
 00406AF4  8B5518        ||      |           |  mov     edx,[ebp+18h]  ;counter
 00406AF7  890A          ||      |           v  mov     [edx],ecx
 00406AF9                ||      |  L00406AF9:
 00406AF9  8B4518        ||      |              mov     eax,[ebp+18h]  ;counter
 00406AFC  8B08          ||      |              mov     ecx,[eax]
 00406AFE  83C101        ||      |              add     ecx,00000001h  ;increment byte counter
 00406B01  8B5518        ||      |              mov     edx,[ebp+18h]  ;counter
 00406B04  890A          ||      |              mov     [edx],ecx
 00406B06                ||      +->L00406B06:
 00406B06  8B45FC        ||                     mov     eax,[ebp-04h]  ;[ebp-04h] is pointer into command line.
 00406B09  83C001        ||                     add     eax,00000001h  ;move to next character
 00406B0C  8945FC        ||                     mov     [ebp-04h],eax
 00406B0F  E96DFEFFFF    |+---------------------jmp     L00406981      ;process next character
 00406B14                |          L00406B14:
 00406B14  837D1000      |                      cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],00000000h  ;check for no pointer to parameter we built
 00406B18  740F          |                   +--jz      L00406B29
 00406B1A  8B4D10        |                   |  mov     ecx,[ebp+10h]
 00406B1D  C60100        |                   |  mov     byte ptr [ecx],00h  ;terminate parameter we are building
 00406B20  8B5510        |                   |  mov     edx,[ebp+10h]
 00406B23  83C201        |                   |  add     edx,00000001h
 00406B26  895510        |                   v  mov     [ebp+10h],edx
 00406B29                |          L00406B29:
 00406B29  8B4518        |                      mov     eax,[ebp+18h]   ;number of parameters. argc
 00406B2C  8B08          |                      mov     ecx,[eax]
 00406B2E  83C101        |                      add     ecx,00000001h   ;increment argc (number of parameters)
 00406B31  8B5518        |                      mov     edx,[ebp+18h]   ;number of parameters  argc
 00406B34  890A          |                      mov     [edx],ecx
 00406B36  E9E8FDFFFF    +<---------------------jmp     L00406923
 00406B3B                           L00406B3B:  ;end parsing parameters off command line
 00406B3B  837D0C00                             cmp     dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000000h
 00406B3F  7412                              +--jz      L00406B53
 00406B41  8B450C                            |  mov     eax,[ebp+0Ch]
 00406B44  C70000000000                      |  mov     dword ptr [eax],00000000h  ;terminate argv[] vector
 00406B4A  8B4D0C                            |  mov     ecx,[ebp+0Ch]
 00406B4D  83C104                            |  add     ecx,00000004h
 00406B50  894D0C                            v  mov     [ebp+0Ch],ecx
 00406B53                           L00406B53:
 00406B53  8B5514                               mov     edx,[ebp+14h]  ;pointer to argc count
 00406B56  8B02                                 mov     eax,[edx]
 00406B58  83C001                               add     eax,00000001h  ;increment argc count (+1 for program filename)
 00406B5B  8B4D14                               mov     ecx,[ebp+14h]
 00406B5E  8901                                 mov     [ecx],eax
 00406B60  8BE5                                 mov     esp,ebp
 00406B62  5D                                   pop     ebp
 00406B63  C3                                   retn