An Example of a Digital Feedback Control System.
A free swinging pendulum is inverted so the hinge
is at the bottom. The challenge is to move the bottom of the
pendulum back and forth to keep the pendulum from falling over.
The hinge at the bottom of the pendulum is attached to a cart which
moves back and forth on a track. The cart is connected to wires
which are connected to an electric motor. The voltage applied to
the electric motor is controlled by a computer. The observable
properties are the current pendulum's angle from vertical and the
current cart position.
Below is a diagram of the setup:
This paper derives all the characteristic equations of motion for
an inverted pendulum, all the transfer functions, Bode plots, state
space representations, and concludes with an example of controlling
a real setup.
After mastering this 2-dimensional problem you can expand this to a
3-dimensional problem. If you can master the task of controlling an
inverted pendulum free to fall in any direction, then you can
launch a rocket into outer space, controlling the thrust angle at
the bottom so it doesn't fall over.
EQUATIONS OF MOTION: The Inverted Pendulum
cg |
= |
Center of gravity |
p |
= |
Pivot point |
| | |
= |
X coorordinate of center of gravity |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
Y coorordinate of center of gravity |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
X coordinate of pivot point. |
| | Note positive
is toward right. |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
Y coordinate of pivot point. |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
H |
= |
Force in Horizontal direction. |
V |
= |
Force in Vertical direction. |
= |
1/2 length of pendulum |
m |
= |
mass of pendulum |
= |
Angle of pendulum measured from vertical. |
| | Note positive
is taken as clockwise. |
= |
Viscous damping constant. |
I |
= |
moment of inertia for pendulum (
for uniform rod)
EQUATIONS OF MOTION: The Inverted Pendulum
Coordinates of point cg in terms of point p, angle
, and length

Sum of forces in X direction

Sum of forces in Y direction

Sum of moments about center of gravity

Combine Equations

Assume pendulum is uniform rod with moment of inertia

Also assume small angle approximations sin(
) =
) = 1


This is our characteristic equation of motion for the inverted pendulum.
In control theory, functions called "transfer functions" are very often used
to characterize the input-output relationships of linear time-invariant
systems. The concept of transfer functions applies only to linear
time-invariant systems, although it can be extended to certain nonlinear
control systems.
Transfer Functions. The transfer function of a linear time-invariant system is
defined to be the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output (response
function) to the Laplace transform of the input (driving function), under the
assumption that all initial conditions are zero.
The transfer function is an expression relating the output and input of a
linear time-invariant system in terms of the system parameters and is a
property of the system itself, independent of the driving function. The
transfer function includes the units necessary to relate the input to the
output; however, it does not provide any information concerning the physical
structure of the system. (The transfer functions of many physically different
systems can be identical.)
By using this concept, one can represent the system dynamics by algebraic
equations in S.
—Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata, pg. 72. (University of Minnesota.) (©1970)
Derivation of Transfer Function for the Inverted Pendulum
Starting with our characteristic equation from the previous page:

we take the Laplace Transform of both sides:

and do some rearranging:

This is our transfer function for the inverted pendulum.
EQUATIONS OF MOTION: The Free Hanging Pendulum
cg |
= |
Center of gravity |
p |
= |
Pivot point |
| | |
= |
X coorordinate of center of gravity |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
Y coorordinate of center of gravity |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
X coordinate of pivot point. |
| | Note positive
is toward right. |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
= |
Y coordinate of pivot point. |
| | |
= |
First derivative of
| | |
= |
Second derivative of
| | |
H |
= |
Force in Horizontal direction. |
V |
= |
Force in Vertical direction. |
= |
1/2 length of pendulum |
m |
= |
mass of pendulum |
= |
Angle of pendulum measured from vertical. |
| | Note positive
is taken as clockwise. |
= |
Viscous damping constant. |
I |
= |
moment of inertia for pendulum (
for uniform rod)
Coordinates of point cg in terms of point p
, angle
, and length 

Sum of forces in X direction

Sum of forces in Y direction

Sum of moments about center of gravity

Combine Equations

Assume pendulum is uniform rod with moment of inertia

Also assume small angle approximation sin(
) = 


This is our characteristic equation of motion for the free hanging pendulum.
Compare it with the characteristic equation for the inverted pendulum.
Solution of characteristic equation of motion for the free hanging pendulum

Assume a solution of the form |
, and B
are constants dependant upon initial conditions.
In general the response
will be damped sinusoidal oscillations with a frequency
and damping envelope of
Determination of Pendulum Parameters
, and
Remove the pendulum assembly from the cart and turn it upside down, allowing
the pendulum to hang freely. Start the pendulum swinging and record the
on a chart recorder. From our previous analysis we expect the response to
be something like:
The response will be damped sinusoidal oscillations with a frequency
and a damping envelope of
From your chart recording estimate the parameters
When I performed this experiment I found the decay appeared to be linear rather than
exponential. It appeared the pendulum lost a fixed amount of energy every swing
regardless of how wide the swing was.
My guess is at the end of each swing when the pendulum momentarily stops the friction
changes from kinetic (moving) friction to static (non-moving) friction, and it takes
a certain amount of energy to overcome this static friction.
was estimated to
be insignificantly small (0.02 as I recall, and I think we set
to zero to simplify the equations later on and ignored the static friction energy loss
= |
input voltage. Positive input voltage moves cart toward right. |
= |
output voltage |
E |
= |
EMF across motor |
= |
Motor armature resistance |
= |
Motor armature current |
= |
Torque developed by motor |
F |
= |
Force transmitted to wire by motor |
= |
Motor shaft angle |
r |
= |
effective radius of motor shaft. (
) |
H |
= |
Force in Horizontal direction. |
= |
X coordinate of cart. Note positive
is toward right. |
= |
Amplifier gain constant |
= |
A constant of the motor |
M |
= |
mass of cart |
= |
viscous damping of motor |
= |
viscous damping of cart |
= |
inertia of motor |
J |
= |
combined inertia of motor and cart. (
) |
B |
= |
combined damping of motor and cart. (
) |
= |
Viscous damping constant. (
) |
Basic Equations of Motor and Amplifier

Combine Equations

Calcuate Torque

Assume m<<M

Substitute back in

Observe Following Relations

Substitute in

This is our characteristic equation of motion for the cart and motor system.
Determination of Parameters for the cart and motor
Now take the Laplace Transform of both sides of the characteristic equation on the
previous page and rearrange to get the transfer function for the cart and motor.
The transfer function for the cart and motor is:
We shall experimentally determine the unknown parameters
and B. The standard method for doing this is to input sinusoids of various frequencies
into the system and make a Bode plot of the resulting output. We expect the Bode plot
to have a breakpoint at the frequency corresponding to the unknown parameter B. The
equations which predict this response are derived below.
Here A is the amplitude of the sine wave we are inputting to the system and
is the frequency in radians of the oscillations.
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides gives:
Applying this as the input to the transfer function gives:
Expanding by partial fractions:
Taking the inverse Laplace transform gives:
The last term dies away as times increases, so we are left with a steady
state solution of:
For those interested: Repeat the above derivation for an input of
Explain the differences in the results.
The Bode Plot
When we perform the preceding experiment the output we measure is a voltage
which is related to the cart position X(t) by the equation:
Thus our steady state output for an input
We now wish to make a Bode plot of the magnitude (in decibels) of the
output voltage corresponding to the cart position versus the frequency
(in radians) of the input.
The magnitude in decibels of
The Bode plot thus consists of three parts. First there is a constant gain
term of
This is a horizontal line on the Bode plot. Second, there is a pole at the
origin with a gain of
This is a line with slope of -20 DB/decade with a value of 0 DB at
= 1 rad/sec. Third, there is a pole on the real axis at -B given by the
The magnitude of this at low frequencies is:
( ) |
| | | |
and at high frequencies the magnitude is: |
|  |
( ) |
The first is a horizontal line at 0 DB. The second is a
line of slope -20 DB/decade which crosses 0 DB at
= B. We thus expect the Bode plot we obtain experimentally to
be the sum of the three individual responses. We
expect it to look something like the following:
Square Wave Input:
Due to static friction inherant in the cart and motor system
it is difficult to obtain an accurate Bode plot when pure
sinusoidal inputs are used. When the voltage to the motor
is near zero the system tends to stick and not move at all.
To overcome this problem we will use a square wave
input instead of a sine wave input. We now examine the
response we expect to get using a square wave input.
A square wave of frequency
can be expressed as the sum of sine waves as follows:
Since our transfer function for the cart and motor is
linear, the output due to a square wave is the sum of the
outputs due to each of the sinusoudal terms which make up the
square wave.
From our earlier analysis we know the magnitude of the
output oscillations due to an input of
this becomes
For a square wave input expressed as the sum of a
series of sinusoidal inputs the magnitude of the
output becomes:
We thus expect the output due to a square wave input to be
about 1.233 times the output due to a sine wave input when (
Expressed in decibels this becomes:
The output due to a square wave input is about 1.82 DB greater
than it would be for a sine wave input when (
Solution to series 1 + 1/(3^2) + 1/(5^2) + 1/(7^2) + 1/(9^2) + ...
> solution to this series:
> 1 + 1/(3^2) + 1/(5^2) + 1/(7^2) + 1/(9^2) + ...
Let A = 1 + 1/(3^2) + 1/(5^2) + 1/(7^2) + 1/(9^2) + ...
Using the Riemann's Zeta Function and its 'alternating' form
Zt(s) = Sum_{n=1}^\infty [ 1/n^s ]
Za(s) = Sum_{n=1}^\infty [ (-1)^{n-1} / n^s ]
= [ 1 - 2^{1-s} ] Zt(s)
It is easy to verify that
A = [ Zt(2) + Za(2) ] / 2
= (1/8)pi^2
There are around half-dozen proofs that Zeta(2) = pi^2/6.
Here is a proof using Fourier series:
Take the function fx(x) | = -x | when -π < x < 0 |
| = 0 | when 0 < x < π |
Notice f(x) is piecewise continuous with period 2π so this means we can find
its corresponding Fourier series.
Solve for the coefficients of the Fourier series, and write out the Fourier series for f(x)
f(x) = π/4 - (2/π)*[cos(x) + (1/9)cos(3x) + (1/25)cos(5x) ...] - [sin(x) - (1/2)sin(2x) + (1/3)sin(3x) ...]
Now just evaluate at x=0
You get
0 = π/4 - 2/π * (1 + 1/9 + 1/25 +...)
so π2/8 = (1 + 1/9 + 1/25 + ...)
Square Wave Input: For

We now examine what happens when
our output due to a sine wave input becomes:
For a square wave input expressed as the sum of a series
of sinusoidal inputs the output becomes:
We thus expect the output due to a square wave input to be about 1.052
times the output due to a sine wave input. Expressed in decibels this becomes:
The output due to a square wave input is about 0.44 DB greater
than it would be for a sine wave input when
We may conclude that the difference in response between
a sine wave input and a square wave input is small. Thus,
to experimentally determine the unknown parameter B we may
use square waves of various frequencies and analyze the results
the same as we would for a sine wave input.
(The Inverted Pendulum) |
| | | |
(The Cart and Motor System) |
We will later use the variables
as the state space variables for our state space representation of
the system. We can show the Laplace transform of these variables on the
block diagram as follows:
Derivation of State Space Representation
Equation of motion for the cart
(Our characteristic equation of motion for the cart and motor system derived earlier.)
(Solve for
Equation of motion for the Inverted Pendulum
(Our characteristic equation of motion for the inverted pendulum derived earlier.
Now solve for
State Space Representations
(Equation of motion for the cart derived above) |
(Equation of motion for the inverted pendulum derived above) |
This can be represented in matrix form as:
This has the general form of:
Calculation of Transfer Functions from State Space Equation
For the moment we assume all four of the state space variables
are individually observable. Thus:
This has the form
where C = I, the identity matrix
The transfer function matrix is given by:
F(s) = C
where I is the identity matrix, and A was the 4x4 matrix derived two pages ago under
Derivation of State Space Representation.
Calculate F(s) = C
where C = I, the identity matrix, and B is the vector derived three pages ago
at the bottom under
Derivation of State Space Representation.
F(s) = C
Recall from earlier the transfer function equations:
Transfer function for the cart and motor system. |
| |
Transfer function for the inverted pendulum. |
And recall from the Laplace transform that
= s
Our equation F(s) is now:
Discretization Of Continuous Time State Space Equations
Calculation of G
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transforms
We now have the arduous task of calculating the inverse Laplace transform
for the terms in the 4x4 matrix on the previous page.
Going down the rows we have
Row 1, Column 1
Row 1, Column 2
Row 2, Column 2
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 3 column 2.
= 0 and
Substituting these values of
into equations N1, N2, N3 on the previous page gives
Substituting these values of
, and
into equation L4 on the previous page gives the Laplace transform of
row 3 column 2 as
which reduces to
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 4 column 2.
= 0 and
Substituting these values of
into equations N1, N2, N3 derived two pages ago gives
Substituting these values of
, and
into equation L4 derived two pages ago gives the Laplace transform of
row 4 column 2 as
which reduces to
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for (row,column) (3,3) (3,4)(4,3) (4,4)
A general form of these equations is
(We will save
for later use.)
from top and factor the bottom
to top
Split top
Multiply second term by
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of the above equation gives
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 3 column 3.
= 1 and
Substituting these values of
into equation L5 derived on the previous page gives the Laplace transform of
row 3 column 3 as
which slightly reduces to
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 3 column 4.
= 0 and
= 1
Substituting these values of
into equation L5 gives the Laplace transform of
row 3 column 4 as
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 4 column 3.
= 0 and
Substituting these values of
into equation L5 gives the Laplace transform of
row 4 column 3 as
Calculation of inverse Laplace Transform for row 4 column 4.
= 1 and
= 0
Substituting these values of
into equation L5 gives the Laplace transform of
row 4 column 4 as
Calculation of G
(3,2) =
(4,2) =
(3,3) =
(3,4) =
(4,3) =
(4,4) =
Calculation of G assuming
= 0
If our damping factor for the pendulum
is estimated to be small enough that we can set it to zero
then our equations simplify to
(3,2) =
(4,2) =
Calculation of H when
= 0
rearanging gives
Discussion of Observable Properties
The two state veriables X and
are directly observable by measuring the voltage from the corresponding potentiometers
and multiplying by appropriate scaling constants. Thus:
Voltage corresponding to X position
Voltage corresponding to X position
For the moment we will assume the other variables
are also directly observable. Thus our output vector Y
consisting of observable states of the system becomes:
which has the form
Discussion of Feedback
We now decide to use a linear combination of the observable states contained in vector y to
determine the input controlling voltage.
= KY
Our original state space equation was
x(k+1) = Gx(k) + Hv(k)
y = Cx(k)
Now observe that our input v(k) is actually
, the input controlling voltage to the servo motor.
We also have decided to set
= KY, and we know y = Cx(k)
Thus we now have:
x(k+1) = Gx(k) + HkCx(k)
x(k+1) = (G + HkC)x(k)
Note that in this case HK is the outer product of two vectors producing a square matrix.
If we assume an initial x vector x(0), we then have
As k increases, the components of vector x(k) will tend toward zero only if the
eigenvalues of the matrix (G + HKC) all have magnitude less than one. It is now
our job to chose the four values,
such that the matrix (G + HKC) is stable.
Procedure to obtain

Measure voltage
from position potentiometer. Move cart one meter to right and measure voltage
from position potentiometer.
Procedure to obtain

Lay pendulum at -90 degrees horizontal with table, pendulum pointing left. Measure
from pendulum angle potentiometer. Turn pendulum 180 degrees (
radians) clockwise (positive sense) so pendulum is horizontal with table, pointing right.
from pendulum angle potentiometer.
Motor Dead Range
Due to static friction the servo motor has an input voltage threshold below which
the motor will not move. The friction is primarily due to the brushes within the
servo motor. A graph of the input voltage versus cart velocity might look something
like the following:
To compensate for this non-linearity we can add to our calculated control voltage
the corresponding threshold voltage. If the calculated control voltage is positive
we add the threshold voltage to the control voltage to compensate for the
deadrange, and if the calculated voltage is negative we add a negative threshold
voltage to the control voltage to compensate for the deadrange. A graph of the
transfer function would look something like:
Note that this function is the inverse of the previous function.
It thus cancels out the non-linearity of the motor-cart system
due to static friction making the system appear more linear.
Parameters for the Cart and Motor
The response of the cart and motor system to square wave inputs of frequencies 0.1 Hz
to 15 Hz was recorded on the chart recorder and plotted on a Bode plot. The primary
breakpoint between the line of slope -20 Db/decade and the line
of -40 Db/decade occurred at 1 Hz (or
= 6.28 rad.)
A secondary breakpoint of unknown origin occurred at 7 Hz.
The cart gain constant
was obtained by analyzing the magnitude of the cart oscillations for low frequencies.
Using the equation
the value of
was determined by assuming the cart acceleration
was zero for low frequencies and then calculating the average velocity
from the chart recorder.
The following parameters were determined by experiment:
= 5.41 rad/sec
= 0
= 5.41 rad/sec
= 3 1/meter
= 6.28 rad/sec
= 1.5
= 6.75 volts/meter
= 3.34 volts/meter
T = 0.06 1/sec
Determination of Feedback Control Parameters
Two computer programs were written to aid in the selection of feedback control values.
The first program, ACKERMAN, calculates the control vector K given the desired pole
positions using Ackerman's formula. The second program, PENDULUM, does the reverse;
it calculates the pole positions given a control vector K.
Control of the Pendulum
Various values of the control vector K were obtained using program ACKERMAN.
The final control vector used was X = 3.5,
= 7.0,
= 25.0,
= 3.0 Using these values the poles were calculated to be at 0.752
0.382j, 0.929, 0.982
Using these values the pendulum remained upright with the cart slowly oscillating
back and forth covering a distance of about 25 cm. The cart was run for a period
of 2 minutes and showed no signs of instability.
Analysis of the Results
In a final effort to justify the endless hours spent in deriving a theoretical
analysis of the pendulum system, it is gratifying to be able to sit back and say
(If you've been paying attention you may have noticed that two of the poles
were at 0.929 and 0.982, which is pretty close to being unstable. The reason
is I initially made a mistake calculating the control values because I
used the full length of the rod for
was originally defined as 1/2 the length of the rod. Recalculating
using the correct value for
gave the true poles.)
Links For Further Research
There's been further research since this paper was originally written in 1987.
My thanks to Reid Sweatman for providing the following
comments and links:
Curious side note: this problem is susceptible to fairly easy solution by
neural net, and as such, is an example problem in several texts, sometimes
slightly modified to balance the stick upright, rather than oscillate it.
Of course, this removes a number of exponential terms from the differential
solution, but, strangely enough, that doesn't make much difference to the
neural net solution, beyond requiring extra feed-forward layers.
I believe a genetic algorithm might also be
capable of handling the problem, so long as it was updated often enough to
keep the stick reasonably within the solution space. However, I've never
seen that done, or tried it myself. I do neural nets more frequently than
genetic algorithms, but have a friend who has done several exceedingly
complex game AIs (essentially very complex routing schedulers) who maintains
it's possible. I suppose of equal interest is the frequency with which AIs
are simulated by physical systems, like constrained springs.
I've got two favorite books on neural nets:
For a web site, you can't do much better for a launch point than
Woodcock’s site,. Lots of good stuff there.
Lots of really funny things (check the "You know your game is in trouble when..." page), and
links to just about everything in AI. Although the site is dedicated to AI
in computer games, Steve works for Raytheon doing, last I talked to him,
missle guidance systems. Before his brief sojourn into gaming, he wrote AI
code for Star Wars (not the movie one). I think he still co-chairs
the AI roundtable discussions at the annual Computer Game Developers'
conference in San Jose, as well as a more academic one just up the road
about two weeks later. Those roundtables are the thing I always like best
about the GDC, although I haven't been since 2000. Hey, where else can you
get a few hours of what's essentially free consulting with guys like Steve
and Neil Kirby from Lucent on your game AI? Hashed out a messy
flocking/steering infantry AI with Steve, then the same for training a
neural net flight simulation pilot later that night with Neil. Keeps the
old brain cells in motion.