The following is a disassembly and analysis of the command line parsing for Visual C++ version 6 (VC6) as found in file msvcrt.dll. [Note the rules were later changed in 2008. See parameters.htm#WINCRULES

 77C3AA6D                         SUB_L77C3AA6D:  ; MSVCRT!__wsetargv+0xa6 (77c3aa6d)
                                                  ; eax = command line (ASCII, address of)
                                                  ; ecx = address to build output string (address of address?)
                                                  ; [ebp+0Ch] address of argc ?
                                                  ; [ebp+08h] address of argv ?
                                                  ; are we being passed something in ecx? edi?
                                                  ; returns argc in eax
                                                  ; returns argv in edi
                                                  ; [ebp-04h] - " flag. (in a double quoted part flag)
 77C3AA6D  8BFF                                 mov     edi,edi
 77C3AA6F  55                                   push    ebp
 77C3AA70  8BEC                                 mov     ebp,esp
 77C3AA72  51                                   push    ecx
 77C3AA73  53                                   push    ebx
 77C3AA74  8B5D0C                               mov     ebx,[ebp+0Ch]  ;address for argc
 77C3AA77  33D2                                 xor     edx,edx        ;edx=0
 77C3AA79  395508                               cmp     [ebp+08h],edx  ;address to build argv
 77C3AA7C  57                                   push    edi
 77C3AA7D  8916                                 mov     [esi],edx      ;zero this counter
 77C3AA7F  8BF9                                 mov     edi,ecx        ;dereference address of address
 77C3AA81  C70301000000                         mov     dword ptr [ebx],00000001h
 77C3AA87  7409                           +---- jz      L77C3AA92      ;no argv array to build
 77C3AA89  8B4D08                         |     mov     ecx,[ebp+08h]  ;argv
 77C3AA8C  83450804                       |     add     dword ptr [ebp+08h],00000004h  ;point to next argv element
 77C3AA90  8939                           v     mov     [ecx],edi      ;pointer to beginning of output string to build

                                  ;parse off argv[0] (program filename)
 77C3AA92                         L77C3AA92:            ;edx - " flag, (starts = 0)
 77C3AA92  803822        +--------------------> cmp     byte ptr [eax],22h  ; " ?
 77C3AA95  750E          |                  +-- jnz     L77C3AAA5   ;not a "
 77C3AA97  33C9          |                  |   xor     ecx,ecx     ; ecx=0
 77C3AA99  85D2          |                  |   test    edx,edx     ;toggle " flag
 77C3AA9B  0F94C1        |                  |   setz    cl          ;toggle " flag
 77C3AA9E  40            |                  |   inc     eax         ;move to next char in command line. (pointer into command line)
 77C3AA9F  8BD1          |                  |   mov     edx,ecx     ;store " flag
 77C3AAA1  B122          |                  |   mov     cl,22h      ; " current char is a "
 77C3AAA3  EB2D          | +----------------|-- jmp     L77C3AAD2
 77C3AAA5                | |      L77C3AAA5:|
 77C3AAA5  FF06          | |                +-> inc     [esi]       ;count of output characters (used for dry run)
 77C3AAA7  85FF          | |                    test    edi,edi     ;are we building an output string?
 77C3AAA9  7405          | |                +-- jz      L77C3AAB0   ;no
 77C3AAAB  8A08          | |                |   mov     cl,[eax]    ;character from command line
 77C3AAAD  880F          | |                |   mov     [edi],cl    ;move character to output string
 77C3AAAF  47            | |                |   inc     edi         ;point to next output byte
 77C3AAB0                | |      L77C3AAB0:|
 77C3AAB0  8A08          | |                +-> mov     cl,[eax]    ;character from command line
 77C3AAB2  0FB6D9        | |                    movzx   ebx,cl
 77C3AAB5  40            | |                    inc     eax         ;next character
 77C3AAB6  F6836125C67704| |                    test    byte ptr [ebx+L77C62561],04h ;is this a wchar?
 77C3AABD  740C          | |  +---------------- jz      L77C3AACB             ;if not a wchar we skip processing 2nd byte
 77C3AABF  FF06          | |  |                 inc     [esi]       ;count of output characters (used for dry run)
 77C3AAC1  85FF          | |  |                 test    edi,edi     ;are we building an output string?
 77C3AAC3  7405          | |  |           +---- jz      L77C3AACA   ;no
 77C3AAC5  8A18          | |  |           |     mov     bl,[eax]    ;character from command line
 77C3AAC7  881F          | |  |           |     mov     [edi],bl    ;move character to output string
 77C3AAC9  47            | |  |           v     inc     edi         ;point to next output byte
 77C3AACA                | |  |   L77C3AACA:
 77C3AACA  40            | |  |                 inc     eax         ;move to next input character
 77C3AACB                | |  +-> L77C3AACB:
 77C3AACB  84C9          | |                    test    cl,cl       ;end of string?
 77C3AACD  8B5D0C        | |                    mov     ebx,[ebp+0Ch] ;address of argc
 77C3AAD0  7432        +-|-|---dec eax--------- jz      L77C3AB04   ;end of string, back up to 00 and process it
 77C3AAD2              | | |      L77C3AAD2:
 77C3AAD2  85D2        | | +------------------> test    edx,edx     ; " flag
 77C3AAD4  75BC        | +--------------------- jnz     L77C3AA92   ; accept character if we are in a double quoted part
 77C3AAD6  80F920      | |                      cmp     cl,20h      ; space?
 77C3AAD9  7405        | |                +---- jz      L77C3AAE0   ; end of parameter
 77C3AADB  80F909      | |                |     cmp     cl,09h      ; tab?
 77C3AADE  75B2        | +----------------|---- jnz     L77C3AA92   ; no, go to next char
                       |                  |
                       |                  v
 77C3AAE0              |          L77C3AAE0:    ;end of parameter
 77C3AAE0  85FF        |                        test    edi,edi     ;are we building an output string?
 77C3AAE2  7404        |                    +-- jz      L77C3AAE8   ;no
 77C3AAE4  C647FF00    |                    |   mov     byte ptr [edi-01h],00h  ;terminate this parameter in output string
                       |                    |
                       |                    |
 77C3AAE8              |          L77C3AAE8:v
 77C3AAE8  8365FC00    +--------------------+-> and     dword ptr [ebp-04h],00000000h ; clear " flag

 77C3AAEC                         L77C3AAEC:    ;PARSE OFF NEXT PARAMETER
 77C3AAEC  803800                               cmp     byte ptr [eax],00h  ;end of string?
 77C3AAEF  0F84D6000000               return<-- jz      L77C3ABCB           ;return

                                  ;SKIP MULTIPLE SPACES/TABS BETWEEN PARAMETERS
 77C3AAF5                         L77C3AAF5:
 77C3AAF5  8A08                  +------------> mov     cl,[eax]    ;character from command line
 77C3AAF7  80F920                |              cmp     cl,20h      ; space. skip to next char
 77C3AAFA  7405                  |        +---- jz      L77C3AB01
 77C3AAFC  80F909                |        |     cmp     cl,09h      ; tab. skip to next char
 77C3AAFF  7506                  |        v +-- jnz     L77C3AB07   ;not a space or tab
 77C3AB01                        |L77C3AB01:|
 77C3AB01  40                    |          |   inc     eax         ;next character
 77C3AB02  EBF1                  +----------|-- jmp     L77C3AAF5   ;skip multiple spaces/tabs between parameters
 77C3AB04                         L77C3AB04:|
 77C3AB04  48                               |   dec     eax         ;back one character
 77C3AB05  EBE1                             |   jmp     L77C3AAE8
 77C3AB07                         L77C3AB07:|           ;not a space or tab. Beginning of next parameter
 77C3AB07  803800                           +-> cmp     byte ptr [eax],00h   ;end of string?
 77C3AB0A  0F84BB000000               return<-- jz      L77C3ABCB            ;return
 77C3AB10  837D0800                             cmp     dword ptr [ebp+08h],00000000h ;dry run?
 77C3AB14  7409                           +---- jz      L77C3AB1F                     ;yes, dry run
 77C3AB16  8B4D08                         |     mov     ecx,[ebp+08h]                 ;save parameter starting address
 77C3AB19  83450804                       |     add     dword ptr [ebp+08h],00000004h ;pointer to next argv[] array element
 77C3AB1D  8939                           v     mov     [ecx],edi
 77C3AB1F                         L77C3AB1F:
 77C3AB1F  FF03                                 inc     [ebx]       ;increment argc

                                  ;process this character
 77C3AB21                         L77C3AB21:
 77C3AB21  33DB          +--------------------> xor     ebx,ebx     ;ebx=0
 77C3AB23  43            |                      inc     ebx         ;ebx=1  add this character to the output
 77C3AB24  33D2          |                      xor     edx,edx     ;edx=0
 77C3AB26  EB02          |                  +-- jmp     L77C3AB2A
                         |                  |
                         |                  |   ;COUNT \
 77C3AB28                |        L77C3AB28:|
 77C3AB28  40            |    +---------------> inc     eax         ;next character
 77C3AB29  42            |    |             |   inc     edx         ;++count of backslashes
 77C3AB2A                |    |   L77C3AB2A:|
 77C3AB2A  80385C        |    |             +-> cmp     byte ptr [eax],5Ch    ; \
 77C3AB2D  74F9          |    +---------------- jz      L77C3AB28
                         |                                                    ;edx is now count of backslashes
 77C3AB2F  803822        |                      cmp     byte ptr [eax],22h    ; "
 77C3AB32  7526          |+-------------------- jnz     L77C3AB5A
                         ||                             ;handle "
 77C3AB34  F6C201        ||                     test    dl,01h                ;test for even/odd
 77C3AB37  751F          || +------------------ jnz     L77C3AB58             ;if odd, jump
 77C3AB39  837DFC00      || |                   cmp     dword ptr [ebp-04h],00000000h  ;are we in a double quoted part?
 77C3AB3D  740C          || | +---------------- jz      L77C3AB4B                      ;no
 77C3AB3F  8D4801        || | |                 lea     ecx,[eax+01h]         ;peek at next character
 77C3AB42  803922        || | |                 cmp     byte ptr [ecx],22h    ; "  ( handle "" )
 77C3AB45  7504          || | +---------------- jnz     L77C3AB4B
 77C3AB47  8BC1          || | |                 mov     eax,ecx               ;move to next character (the ")
 77C3AB49  EB02          || | |             +-- jmp     L77C3AB4D
 77C3AB4B                || | |   L77C3AB4B:|
 77C3AB4B  33DB          || | +-------------|-> xor     ebx,ebx               ;ebx=0 flag to not add this char to the output
 77C3AB4D                || |     L77C3AB4D:|
 77C3AB4D  33C9          || |               +-> xor     ecx,ecx               ;ecx=0
 77C3AB4F  394DFC        || |                   cmp     [ebp-04h],ecx         ;toggle " flag
 77C3AB52  0F94C1        || |                   setz    cl                    ;toggle " flag (in a double quoted part)
 77C3AB55  894DFC        || |                   mov     [ebp-04h],ecx         ;store " flag
 77C3AB58                || +---> L77C3AB58:
 77C3AB58  D1EA          ||                     shr     edx,1                 ;backslashes/2 (number to actually insert)
 77C3AB5A                ||       L77C3AB5A:    ;ADD BACKSLASHES TO OUTPUT STRING
 77C3AB5A  85D2          |+-------------------> test    edx,edx               ;number of backslashes to insert
 77C3AB5C  740D          |  +------------------ jz      L77C3AB6B             ;no more backslashes to insert
 77C3AB5E                |  |  +> L77C3AB5E:
 77C3AB5E  85FF          |  |  |                test    edi,edi
 77C3AB60  7404          |  |  |          +---- jz      L77C3AB66
 77C3AB62  C6075C        |  |  |          |     mov     byte ptr [edi],5Ch    ; \ insert a backslash
 77C3AB65  47            |  |  |          v     inc     edi                   ;pointer into output string
 77C3AB66                |  |  |  L77C3AB66:
 77C3AB66  FF06          |  |  |                inc     [esi]
 77C3AB68  4A            |  |  |                dec     edx                   ;number of backslashes left to insert
 77C3AB69  75F3          |  |  +--------------- jnz     L77C3AB5E
                         |  |
                         |  |
 77C3AB6B                |  |     L77C3AB6B:
 77C3AB6B  8A08          |  +-----------------> mov     cl,[eax]    ;character from command line
 77C3AB6D  84C9          |                      test    cl,cl       ;end of string?
 77C3AB6F  7448          |                      jz      L77C3ABB9
 77C3AB71  837DFC00      |                      cmp     dword ptr [ebp-04h],00000000h   ;are we not in a double quoted part?
 77C3AB75  750A          |                  +-- jnz     L77C3AB81   ;jump if we are in a double quoted part
 77C3AB77  80F920        |                  |   cmp     cl,20h      ; space
 77C3AB7A  743D          |                  |   jz      L77C3ABB9   ; end of this parameter
 77C3AB7C  80F909        |                  |   cmp     cl,09h      ; tab
 77C3AB7F  7438          |                  |   jz      L77C3ABB9   ; end of this parameter
 77C3AB81                |        L77C3AB81:|
 77C3AB81  85DB          |                  +-> test    ebx,ebx     ; add this char to the output?
 77C3AB83  742E          |                      jz      L77C3ABB3   ; no, move to next character, jump to AB21 (process this character)
 77C3AB85  85FF          |                      test    edi,edi     ;are we building an output string?
 77C3AB87  7419          |      +-------------- jz      L77C3ABA2   ;no
 77C3AB89  0FB6D1        |      |               movzx   edx,cl      ;character from command line
 77C3AB8C  F6826125C6770 |      |               test    byte ptr [edx+L77C62561],04h    ;MSVCRT!_mbctype+0x1 multi-byte character? a special ASCII table, 255 bytes, each ascii byte gets a code. 04h is one code we are looking for.
                         |      |                                                       ;For us there are no 04h in the table. Just 01h for uppercase alpha, 02h for lowercase alpha.
 77C3AB93  7406          |      |         +---- jz      L77C3AB9B                       ;04 means this is a single byte char
                         |      |         |                         ;THE MAKE A COPY VERSION
 77C3AB95  880F          |      |         |     mov     [edi],cl    ;copy byte from command line to output
 77C3AB97  47            |      |         |     inc     edi         ;pointer to output
 77C3AB98  40            |      |         |     inc     eax         ;next byte
 77C3AB99  FF06          |      |         v     inc     [esi]       ;point to next output byte
 77C3AB9B                |      | L77C3AB9B:
 77C3AB9B  8A08          |      |               mov     cl,[eax]    ;get byte from command line
 77C3AB9D  880F          |      |               mov     [edi],cl    ;put byte from command line to output
 77C3AB9F  47            |      |               inc     edi         ;point to next output byte
 77C3ABA0  EB0F          |      |           +-- jmp     L77C3ABB1
 77C3ABA2                |      | L77C3ABA2:|                       ;THE DON'T MAKE A COPY VERSION
 77C3ABA2  0FB6C9        |      +-----------|-> movzx   ecx,cl      ;character from command line
 77C3ABA5  F6816125C6770 |                  |   test    byte ptr [ecx+L77C62561],04h    ;is this not a 2-byte wchar? 04h means 'not a wchar'
 77C3ABAC  7403          |                  +-- jz      L77C3ABB1
 77C3ABAE  40            |                  |   inc     eax         ;next byte          ;yes, process extra byte
 77C3ABAF  FF06          |                  |   inc     [esi]       ;move pointer to next byte
 77C3ABB1                |        L77C3ABB1:|
 77C3ABB1  FF06          |                  +-> inc     [esi]       ;move pointer to next byte
 77C3ABB3                |        L77C3ABB3:
 77C3ABB3  40            |                      inc     eax         ;next byte (next character if not multibyte wide char)
 77C3ABB4  E968FFFFFF    +--------------------- jmp     L77C3AB21

 77C3ABB9                         L77C3ABB9:    ;end of this parameter
 77C3ABB9  85FF                                 test    edi,edi
 77C3ABBB  7404                           +---- jz      L77C3ABC1
 77C3ABBD  C60700                         |     mov     byte ptr [edi],00h
 77C3ABC0  47                             v     inc     edi
 77C3ABC1                         L77C3ABC1:
 77C3ABC1  FF06      ^                          inc     [esi]
 77C3ABC3  8B5D0C    |                          mov     ebx,[ebp+0Ch] ;address of argc
 77C3ABC6  E921FFFFFF+------------------------  jmp     L77C3AAEC ; ;PARSE OFF NEXT PARAMETER

 77C3ABCB                         L77C3ABCB:
 77C3ABCB  8B4508                               mov     eax,[ebp+08h] ;argv?
 77C3ABCE  85C0                                 test    eax,eax
 77C3ABD0  7403                           +---- jz      L77C3ABD5
 77C3ABD2  832000                         v     and     dword ptr [eax],00000000h
 77C3ABD5                         L77C3ABD5:
 77C3ABD5  FF03                                 inc     [ebx]    ;pointer to argc counter
 77C3ABD7  5F                                   pop     edi
 77C3ABD8  5B                                   pop     ebx
 77C3ABD9  C9                                   leave
 77C3ABDA  C3                                   retn