Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Install Problem Signature gencomp320

Attempting to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 encountered the following error:

VisualStudio8Setup 11448 9.0.21022.08_ORCAS_X86_NET MSI INST F NoMSI gencomp320 1603

VisualStudio8Setup 11448 9.0.21022.08_ORCAS_X86_NET MSI INST F NoMSI gencomp320 1603

Caused by:
Environment variable %PROGRAMFILES% has a trailing slash.

Environment variable %PROGRAMFILES% has a trailing slash

To Fix:
Remove trailing slash from environment variable %PROGRAMFILES%

1. START → RUN → sysdm.cpl
START - RUN - sysdm.cpl

2. Advanced {tab} → Environment Variables...
Advanced {tab} - Environment Variables...

3. Select PROGRAMFILES, click "Edit..."

4. Remove trailing slash
Remove trailing slash

5. OK your way out of the dialogs. {OK, OK, OK.}

6. Reboot

7. Reinstall Visual Studio 2008

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